
Revisit to Johannesburg


We checked in our rooms which were designed in the shape of Huts with African furnishing. The ambience of the room was stunning. Everything in the room was just perfectly done. Rooms were decorated with bright coloured African fabrics, artwork & handmade furniture. Our next four days program was well placed on the side table.

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Self-Drive trip across Thailand (7 days, 2000 kms) : Part 5 – Bang Saen to Kampaeng Phet


We had plans of visiting heritage sites and local night market, but lassitude takes over as soon as we arrive. After strolling around the neighbourhood, spying on local shops and outlets, we are back to the guest house.
There are number of cosy sit-outs within the house. In the evening, guests have gathered here to relax and chat-up. Soon I connect up with Bill, an Austrian from Vienna and Shoo, a Thai traveller. Yes, they tell, they are also travelling across Thailand. While exchanging notes I discover that both of them (though travelling separately) are very special Ghumakkars. Bill (actually Bills, a couple) has arrived here Cycling all the way from AUSTRIA! Well, the story goes like this. They are avid cyclists. They have covered large parts of the globe cycling. Bill roughly cycles for an year in one go! By end of the year long loop, he is back in Vienna to earn his livelihood. After earning for about 6-8 months, he is again out for the next trip. He tells us that he does not own a car and has a very small house in Vienna. He works just to make enough money for the next trip. Same is the story of his partner. She is from the same place and they share the same passion. They are 6 months into the current trip and plan to cycle north to China and then through Kazakhstan and Eastern Europe to Vienna. Their belongings, typical for cyclists, comprise of two rucksacks (strapped to either side of the carrier) and a sleeping bag cum tenting equipment.

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आ पहुंचे हम श्रीनगर – कश्मीर


इस सड़क की एक और विशेषता यह है कि उस सड़क पर पर्यटकों की भरमार होने के कारण स्कूटर, मोटर साइकिल, हाथ ठेली पर ऊनी वस्त्र बेचने वाले हर रोज़ सुबह-शाम भरपूर मात्रा में दिखाई देते हैं।  रात को हम खाना खा कर लौटे तो भी वहां बहुत भीड़ लगी थी और सुबह आठ बजे तक वहां ऐसे दुकानदारों का अंबार लग चुका था।  कुछ स्कूल भी आस-पास रहे होंगे क्योंकि छोटे-छोटे, प्यारे – प्यारे, दूधिया रंग के कश्मीरी बच्चे भी स्कूली वेषभूषा में आते-जाते मिले। कुछ छोटे बच्चों को जबरदस्ती घसीट कर स्कूल ले जाया जाता अनुभव हो रहा था तो कुछ अपनी इच्छा से जा रहे थे। भारतीय सेना की एक पूरी बटालियन वहां स्थाई कैंप बनाये हुए थी। हमारे होटल के बिल्कुल सामने सड़क के उस पार सेना के सशस्त्र जवान केबिन बना कर उसमें पहरा दे रहे थे। मुझे आश्चर्य हो रहा था कि यहां तो बिल्कुल शान्ति है फिर इतनी सतर्कता की क्या जरूरत है? पर जैसा कि एक सेना के अधिकारी ने मुझे अगली सुबह गप-शप करते हुए बताया कि यहां शांति इसीलिये है क्योंकि हर समय सेना तैयार है।  अगर हम गफलत कर जायें तो कब कहां से हिंसा वारदात शुरु हो  जाये, कुछ नहीं कहा जा सकता।   दो दिन बाद, 18 मार्च को हिन्दुस्तान और पाकिस्तान के बीच में एक दिवसीय क्रिकेट मैच था ।  हमारा ड्राइवर प्रीतम प्यारे गुलमर्ग से लौटते समय बहुत तनाव में था क्योंकि दोपहर तक पाकिस्तान का पलड़ा भारी नज़र आ रहा था।  वह बोला कि अगर पाकिस्तान मैच जीत गया तो शाम होते – होते कश्मीर की स्थिति विस्फोटक हो जायेगी । 

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Ghumakkar Insights – Responsible Tourism


While strolling in the sprawling gardens of the Thai Buddhist Temple in Sarnath, I saw what seemed to be a rather amusing sign which read “धर्मचक्र पर चढ़ना बैठना मना है ” (Climbing or sitting on the Dharma Chakra is forbidden) and it made me involuntarily grin. A monk, who was keenly observing me, asked me what was so funny about it. I told him that I could not believe that anyone would climb onto the dharma chakra, let alone sit on it. He told me that he had to get it repaired on several occasions because of vandals climbing onto the chakra,  which is why he had this sign posted and instructed the watchmen to keep a close eye on visitors.

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Motorcycle Diaries. Road to Ladakh… (Delhi – Kaza)

Motorcycle Diaries. Road to Ladakh… (Delhi – Kaza)


As I rode though barren patches, I would not help admire the exquisiteness of the rocks all around – they were as spellbinding as the Grand Canyon, all through the journey on the Indo-China border. No images can describe this splendor!

During last 100kms, as the terrain turned bad to worse, I had consumed all my water. Thirsty and tired, I found water only at Dubling, after riding for over 3.5 hours. As I gulped down water, I couldn’t help observe that the same Kinley packaged water bottle we paid Rs.40/- at the HPTDC hotels (a premium of double the cost!) was being sold by this mom-&-pop shop at the MRP!

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Road trip to Naukuchiatal and Mukteshwar


We  explored the property the first day and was happy to see that apart from a TT table and carrom board, the resort has a gym and two pool tables. My husband and son  played a few games of TT and carrom, while i enjoyed the hammock in the garden with my book.  Then as the sun set, it was mystical seeing the colour of the waters change. The next morning we decided to take a boat ride. Then, following a good breakfast we decided to take a walk around the lake and explore the small hamlet. The walk is around 3.5 km and will take barely an hour at a slow pace. You will meet smiling locals and few tourists, especially if you take this walk before 10am. The tourists generally don’t stay at Naukuchiatal but make a day trip and descend on the sleepy hamlet after 11 and move out by 5.

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अनजान सफ़र : दिल्ली – यमुनोत्री – उत्तरकाशी


जानकारी मिली की पहले यमनोत्री जाओ फिर गंगोत्री फिर बद्रीनाथ और केदारनाथ. श्याम को वो सज्जन भी आ गए जो मसूरी से पैसे लाये थे, अच्छा ये बता दूँ की उत्तराखंड मे बसे तडके निकाल पड़ती है कियु की रूट लम्बा होता है, पता चला की सुबह ३.३० बजे की  बस है यमनोत्री की, और अभी टिकिट खिड़की बंद हो गयी है और सुबहे ३.०० बजे खुलेगी, अब रात काटने के लिए एक होटल मे १५० रूपए  मे कमरा लिया और सुबहे २.३० बजे सो कर उठा, फटाफट मुह हाथ धो कर सीधे बस अड्डे पंहुचा, यात्रा का समय होने के कारण बहुत भीड़ थी पता चला की यमनोत्री की बस पूरी फुल है पैर रखने की भी जगह नहीं है, तो सोच मे पड़ गया की क्या करू अगर ये बस छूट गयी तो फिर टाइम से यमनोत्री नहीं पहुच पाउँगा  (आप को ये बताना जरूरी है की मैं गढ़वाल से तो हूँ पर पौड़ी गढ़वाल से, और मुझे टिहरी और चमोली गढ़वाल के बारे मे कुछ भी नहीं पता नहीं है.)

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Paradise Regained: Day 1 & 2


Some of us decided to pursue air route while some others took a more adventurous route of going by train and road to reach Srinagar. While waiting to board the flight at Delhi for Srinagar we heard “choice” words being used against Air India. Looked like some others had tasted the same medicine I had! I found out that they were also taking the tour through Sachin and were part of our larger group. I joined the group to vent out my feelings against AI. Ahh… felt good … Now I was ready for the “Paradise on Earth”.

As the plane made its descent in Srinagar, green carpeted land embraced by the beautiful Himalayas greeted us. As the plane made its final descent little cottages and the dotted cattle idly grazing on nature’s carpet came to focus. The snow on the hills was literally the icing! If my camera had “emotion feature” built-in it could have probably done justice to the scenery. I was yanked back to reality by the “ooohs” and the “ahhs”, excited voices of the children and the swaying of the necks of the passengers from one side of the plane to the other.

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दो धाम की यात्रा – यमुनोत्री और गंगोत्री


तीसरे दिन हम लोग सुबह 6 बजे सोकर उठ गए अब हमारा अगला लक्ष्य यमुनोत्री पहुँचने का था . बरकोट से जानकी चट्टी की दूरी 41 किलोमीटर है. हमारा कार्य क्रम कुछ इस प्रकार का था की हम लोगों यमुनोत्री दर्शन कर शाम तक पुन बरकोट लौट आये. ताकि अगले दिन हम यहाँ से सीधे गंगोत्री के लिए प्रस्थान कर सके. इन बातो को ध्यान में रखते हुए हमने सुबह सात बजे ही बरकोट से रवानगी कर डाली. बरकोट से निकलते ही रास्ता बहुत ही ख़राब है क्योंकि यहाँ भी सड़क के चौडीकरण का काम चल रहा है. बरकोट से 15 किमी दूर गंगोनी नामक स्थान पर हमने सुबह का नाश्ता कर अपनी यात्रा जारी रखी. बरकोट से जानकी चट्टी का रास्ता बहुत अच्छा नहीं. एक तो रास्ता ख़राब दुसरे चढाई इसलिए समय भी ज्यादा लग रहा था. चारधाम यात्रा के चलते ट्रेफिक भी ज्यादा था. सयाना चट्टी पहुँचने से पहले हमें जाम में भी फँसना पड़ा. लगभग 1 घंटा जाम में हम लोग खड़े रहे. उत्तराखंड पुलिस यहाँ पर भी जाम क्लीअर करने में मुस्तैदी से लगी हुई थी. सयाना चट्टी पार करने के बाद राणा चट्टी नामक जगह आती यहाँ पर भी जाम लगा हुआ था. यहाँ से जैसे तैसे आगे बढे की हनुमान चट्टी में फिर जाम से रूबरू होना पड़ा.   सारे जामों से जूझते हुए लगभग दो बजे के आस पास हम जानकी चट्टी पहुँच गए. जानकी चट्टी यमुनोत्री मंदिर जाने के लिए बसे कैंप है. यहाँ तक बसें, कारें आती है. बरकोट से यमुनोत्री के रास्ते में निम्नलिखित स्थान पड़ते है.

गंगनाणी (15 किमी), कुथूर (3 किमी), पाल गाड (9 किमी), सयानी चट्टी (5 किमी), राणाचट्टी (3 किमी), हुनमानचट्ट (3 किमी), बनास (2 किमी), फूलचट्टी (3 किमी पैदल चढ़ाई), जानकी चट्टी (5 किमी पैदल चढ़ाई), यमुनोत्री

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A Whiff of Paris


We skipped the conventional and recommended “Lido” show and “The Moulin Rouge” on our trip to Paris. These were highly recommended night shows, presented aesthetically and were a huge crowd puller at Paris. We had to skip the energetic and spirited adventure bus. Our priority was to keep the young ones engaged, interested, while keeping our expectation about their energy levels strongly grounded. So we did take the hop in hop off bus to tour the grand city (Sacre Coeur, Champs Elysees etc) but planned on a 3 days stay at Disney World Paris.

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Ranikhet – the unexplored paradise


The hotel that we stayed in was called as Rosemount,a  lovely old heritage property with old world charm,  the splendour reminds you of an era gone by. It is known to be as old as year 1900, elaborate window frames and the large rooms have preserved the pristine glory in its true form even today. The manager told that one could see beautiful Nanda Devi and entire range from rooms and the garden.  Well it  was late evening , we could see nothing and rather slept early.  Ahem Ahem !! Next day in the morning, I opened the windows to majestic Nanda Devi and other snow covered peaks towering over! It was a view to remember.

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Mukteshwar Revisited


Once we settled down, freshened up, we met the other guests, quite a few from Gurgaon, went around the property and watched the view points. Later, in the evening I went down for a walk and to see the area towards Krishna, and Sun set spots. Guess what? I came across a loosely locked gate, just after Krishna, with a notice “Private-No Entry”. Curious, an Indian after all, I sneaked in. There were no security, no dogs, no one out there. I walked up the private road with my camera.

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