Hariyali Idhar Udhar…

It was really weird and we laughed our heads off, as we were asked to form a circle and then sing and dance with Sumit, our trainer.

“Hariyali idhar-udhar, hariyali idhar-udhar
aur Ek chota pahad, pahad ke upar ped
Ped ki daliyan, daliyon pe patte,
Patte par ghosla, ghosle pe chidiya
Chidiya ki choch, choch pe sandesh
Hariyali idhar-udhar………”


Hariyali Idhar Udhar

Hariyali Idhar Udhar

For a long, we wanted to go to a trip along with all our team members, but it was never materialized until November last. When we were nominated for an Outbound Training Program last year (Nov 31 – Dec 1), all of us were excited to be at a camp perched on a hillock at an altitude of 7,400 feet in the Garhwal Himalayas. Finally, on 29th night, the ‘Team IT’ left Delhi for a two-day Outbound Learning Program.


Our Bus

Ready for the journey

It was not the ‘Team IT’ alone, 13 more colleagues from two different support functions were also part of this trip, along with 21 of us. It was a cold winter night; however, the seven hours bus journey was thoroughly enjoyable…and I simply can’t sleep while travelling in a bus, even at night.

The bus stopped at a Petrol Pump (25 kms before Paonta Sahib) after crossing the city of Dehradun at 6:30 in the morning. There were seven jeeps waiting for us to take us to ‘Dibli’, where our Outbound Training was camped at. We were enjoying our drive through hills & forest area in a windy winter morning.

Suddenly just before the camp, the road became very narrow (one lane only for the last few kms) and will definitely lead to some harrowing close-calls in the two-way traffic or two-way traffic practically not possible at all. I was never been in that situation before and as always, I was praying to GOD to save me for one last time. But, nothing that sort has happened and when we reached the “Pegasus Institute for Excellence”, the serene and pristine ambience made me exclaimed just one word ‘Awesome!’.


The road

The road

It is a hilly area, a beautiful place with a good landscape. A lush green campus of Pegasus with tents to stay in and clear blue sky (thanks to the night showers) and chill in the air. We all felt fresh. The training camp was maintained by few army men.


Picturesque Dibli

Picturesque Dibli


Picturesque Dibli

Picturesque Dibli

We were greeted by Capt. Samrat, Col. Lokesh Bisht and Col. V Hansen. We took bath one by one after welcome ‘Tea’, followed by a sumptuous breakfast. The session started as we unfolded acknowledging each other. Col. Bisht and Col.

Hansen gave us group tasks that required team efforts. Then we participated in various team activities viz. “Acid Lake”, “Rappelling” and “Human Web”. Every single task was in fact impossible to complete without team efforts. All the activities that one can do at the camp are fun, adventure & rejuvenating.


Acid Test

Acid Test – What to do now





Human Web

Human Web

The day ended with a camp fire on a chilling starlit winter night with individual talent performances and a group ‘Antakshari’. Oh! How can I forget the excellent dinner served to us. It was a paradise for non-vegetarian and we just loved the chicken and mutton preparation.

Almost everyone decided to retire after dinner by 9 p.m. However, a few of us sat outside for next three hours, near the camp fire and chatted till mid-night. It was a pure ‘adda’ session…the discussions started with professional talk, but very soon the topic changed to varied directions.

we had no idea when we started discussing about our personal life or even Space, Galaxy, Stars and lots more and of course, lots of tips on ‘Photography’. It was a full moon day and a wonderful sight, not to be missed. After a very long time, we have seen such a crystal clear sky.

It was icy chilled winter night. We were gazing at the sky, trying to locate the stars. “Can you spot Mars? Look at that…Oh no! It must be Venus. Where is the Pole Star (Dhruv Tara). Let’s try to spot ‘Saptarshi mondal’!” By the time we call it a day, it was almost 12 a.m.


Camp Fire

Camp Fire


Night sky

Night sky

Night sky

Night sky

We were scheduled to go on a nature trail by 6:30. I tried to sleep, but the tent was filled-with different kind of sounds from all seven beds and believe me, I just felt to spend the entire night outside only.

Probably I could, had it not been the winter season…started counting 1, 2, 3….100…the old game in such scenario…remembering the time we spent together throughout the day…I have been in such camps several times in the past…away from the concrete jungle, amidst in the lap of nature.

But, the last night’s journey finally took its toll and within few minutes I was in deep sleep.

Isn't it beautiful?

Isn’t it beautiful?

I rubbed my eyes as I sat straight on my bed at 5:00; it was early morning. I knew that we might not have much time, however, if I could bath and go for the trek, I could have spent some extra time than my colleagues and my decision paid-off nicely. I will write a separate post on the Nature Trail shortly.

The day followed by some management sessions bringing insights on “Johari Window” and day full of activities that included “Dynamic Obstacles” and “A Frame”; a lot to learn and more to enjoy.


Dynamic Obstacles

Dynamic Obstacles

Finally like all good things in life, two days of learning out of experience and knowing each other, come to an end. We started back from Dibli at 6:00 p.m. on Dec 1. The journey didn`t at all seem tiring. In fact, it took lesser time to reach than I expected. Maybe, it was just because we were completely absorbed in playing “Dumb Sheraz” during the journey. Travelled all night and reached Gurgaon around 2:30 a.m. on Sunday morning.

Serene and pristine enviornment

Serene and pristine enviornment

It was altogether a different experience for everyone at the end, in terms of learning and fun. All the games or tasks that we performed in the camp have some learning; importance of teamwork, collaboration, leadership can easily be understood through all these activities. It was a great learning experience as an Individual & professional.

The main aim of this program was to develop team spirit among the colleagues but we achieved much more than what we aimed for. Pegasus team is excellent hosts and the experiential learning programs conducted also add a lot of values. All thanks go to Col Lokesh Bisht, Col V Hansen & the entire team. The events, games & all activities were customized as per our need.

To summarise, an ideal location with the lush green surroundings for outbound training or even for family trips. Surely, two days are not enough for the enjoyment of nature, but, we went there for some specific purpose. We asked them whether we can bring our families separately, the answer was “Yes, you can.

Though this camp is basically designed for corporate learning & training, families do visit the place”. I wish to go there again and for my kid also, who relates the place with Takeshi’s Castle, a program for children in Pogo. For all those who believe in learning, loves nature, can plan for a trip.


Magnificant View

Magnificent View


Did you notice me...it's my shadow

Did you notice me…it’s my shadow

None of us would ever forget “Haryali Idhar Udhar…” While leaving, we all felt… “Yeh Dil Maange More…”


  • SilentSoul says:

    good post Amitabh… such breaks are necessary in this busy schedules of youngesters..

    Is dibli somewhere near Chakrata or Mussorie ?? can you explain the route after Paonta ?

    • Tx SS.

      Yes, it was a long pending trip for all of us, away from work, even if it if for only few days.
      We enjoyed a lot.

      I was in Mussorie several times but never been in Chakrata. This place is near to Mussorie…most probably, Mussorie is back-side of this place as told by locals. However, I may be completely wrong. A detailed description is there in my next post.

  • rakesh kush says:

    Amitva sir
    Dibli, a totally new location for me.,enjoying delicious chicken near wood fire in such kind of chilled environment gives a really yummy pleasure ..picture (caption-night sky) is fantastic.. thanks for sharing ..keep exploring new location..

    • Tx Rakesh…yeah, it is a good place…you will be at your own always…
      yeah, we enjoyed the food very much.
      You are absolutely right…the place at night is just fantastic…moreover, it was a full moon night…those two pictures were taken around 11:30 p.m.and 1 a.m. respectively. You just can’t miss the sight, even if you are tired…you may not live another day to experience that..I do not know when I will have a chance next…

  • Vipin says:

    Thanks for sharing such a nice log, Amitava Ji. Captures are truly awesome…

    Eagerly waiting for your nature trail tale!

  • Tx Vipin.
    Glad, that you like the photos too….
    It will be published soon…just need to edit the draft a little bit before publishing.
    Hope you will like it as well.

  • Abheeruchi says:


    Nice post with beautiful pics.

    When I was in Delhi, our days out or you can call it as outbound training was always used to be either Nimrana fort or Heritage hotel Manesar.Just remembered all those trainings. Thanks for refreshing memories.

    Going for such a long distance for training is really good.

    Keep writing,keep travelling

    • Amitava Chatterjee says:

      Tx Abhee for liking the post and the photos.

      The place is really beautiful, like all the Himalayan range.
      I am aware of such training at those places, but I always attend camps far away from Gurgaon, the place where I am in; I may write about those places as well.

      Yes, there are many more on my plates this year, so I hope to share a few of them to all of you.

  • Stone says:

    Good post, wish you had added your reply to SS ji in the post itself.

    • Amitava Chatterjee says:

      Tx Sandip.
      True…it should have been a part of the post itself at the first place. Though it was there in the next post, now it all seems irrelevant – I just missed out the same.
      I will be careful from now onwards.
      It was a very good point, highlighted by both of you. Thank you.

  • Praveen Wadhwa says:

    Only 25 kms from Paonta Sahib, Dibli is worth paying a visit – as your post manifested its charm and beauty.
    Or may be it is you who penned it this way.
    Nice post and Thank You.

    Any staying arrangements here?

  • Amitava Chatterjee says:

    Tx Praveen.

    Our bus stopped at a Petrol Pump in Sidhowala, which is ~ 25 kms from Paonta Sahib and from there Dibli is another 25 kms, so in a nutshell, the distance could be close to 50 kms.

    I have not noticed any hotels, resorts throughout the 25 kms journey, but people do go there…My friend talked about this place as we were planning to go there. He is in madly love with Himalayas (his brother already conquered Mt. Everest) requests villagers to stay at their home and stayed in Dibli like that also. However, if anyone wants to visit there, may contact Pegasus to check whether accommodation is available or not. There is 8 to 9 Tents…but do check about foods etc. or may be locals will be of your help in such cases. Do remember this is not a resort or hotel, it will be absolutely their decision. You were in such places several times in the past, staying in villages, so you may love this place.

    As I mentioned earlier, all the places in Himalayan range are beautiful, this is not an exception either. Though, it is in the lower Shivalik range, it offers scenic beauty a plenty…and do you think one can pen down Nature’s beauty properly…it is already there for ages…we are just a mere spectator for few hours or a few days

    Thank you for your appreciation

  • Gita AM says:

    Interesting, and beautiful images. I love the blue skies. Did you use a tripod for the stars?

    Hope to see your Nature Trails log soon.

  • Amitava Chatterjee says:

    Thank you Gita.
    Yes, me too…love the blue skies.
    Yes, I had to use Tripod for these shots…it was very very cold…holding a camera was difficult.
    There was not enough light except a 60w bulb in the kitchen area, which was far away from the place where we were shooting…but courtesy to a full moon night, we got some really nice pictures of the area at night…

  • Nandan Jha says:

    Dibli, never heard of. Been to Paonta and Doon, many many times because of friends who belong there. Thank you for lovely pics and in between tips on teamwork. :-)

  • Amitava Chatterjee says:

    Tx Nandan…yeah, the place can also be just a non-descript village to me as well had I not been there, since this is not a so called tourist spot…it’s still just a village in the hills.
    So, you too liked the shots…it really felt nice

  • AUROJIT says:

    Hi Amitava,

    this ‘Army style’ camp with office colleagues sounds great. Pretty evident that you enjoyed as much as learnt from this…… Same here…:-)

    Yes, view of star filled sky from Himalayas deeply impacts our senses, specially after staying where we are. On many occasions, we have sat late into nights gazing at the sky despite the inevitable cold, while on Himalayas.

    Thanks for info on this little known heaven, Dibli.


    • Amitava Chatterjee says:

      Tx Auro…such camps are really great…few years back, I attended one such camp at Didar, Himachal Pradesh and found similarities in both these camps…yes, you are correct in saying we enjoyed as much as we learnt from this. We meet everyone in office on a daily basis, but we hardly mix-up with each other, except some occasional lunch or dinner.

      Regarding, gazing at the sky – I am on the same page as of yours….experienced it at Kasauli, Mussorie several times & whenever we go in the hills.

      It is really a nice feeling to know that this post draws attention from all of you. Tx once again.

  • D.L.Narayan says:

    Thanks Amitava for a lovely account of your boot camp at the Pegasus Institute of Excellence. The name Pegasus is significant as it means a flying horse and the idea behind this camp is to make you fly higher. It is a good way to bond with your colleagues, especially with those from other functions and a reminder that teamwork is essential for success. Companies usually don’t spend money unless there are tangible benefits from such outings.

    The pics are superb, especially those of the night skies; did you use your DSLR? however, when shooting at night, one must shoot the same shots at different shutter speeds since one can never be sure as to what the correct speed is; there is always the risk of overexpose or underexpose. It goes without saying that a tripod is a must as is a remote shutter release device.

    Sad that your post ended so soon. It was really enjoyable. Thanks once again.

    • Tx DL for your review. Again, I missed something, which you have rightly pointed out – I could have included that in the post also.

      Bonding with your colleagues is utmost important for success, since we can’t do our work alone most of the time, if not all the time…and there is a result we all can see…just wish it last for ever.
      This was my first trip (long) after acquiring my new DSLR and I love the same – still need to learn a lot on its features fully. Tx once again for the tips on photography and I need a lot from all of you…

      Did you really think it ended so soon? I will try to compensate in my next post. I never thought this post will be so enjoyable…’m happy

  • Amitava ,

    Wonderful Entertainment by you in this one. I remembered one incident after reading your post. When I was in eight I went to Mahabaleshwar in school campa hill station near Pune . Few notorious boys were not having sleep after camp fire and were shouting in our hall. So our Sir came and told us to go to out and sit near the camp fire. And then we had adda session like you had. But soon after one of them started talking about Bhoot ( ghosts). All started telling their experiences starting a story with ” ek baar mere saath ” or ” log kehte hai ki raat ko” . After few stories all of them got scared in midnight with no light ans rushed in our rooms and slept away having nightmares of bhoots.

    Beautiful clicks . And yaa yeh dil maange more. That was one of my top three favorite ghumakkadi I had in my entire life.

  • Amitava Chatterjee says:

    Hi Vishal, Tx

    If you believe me then I will tell you that we had the similar stories during this trip as well. The atmosphere is such (see the second picture – Night Sky)…and our “Bhoot-er story started”…yes, almost everyone had their own share of pie in terms of ‘Bhoot’ (except the scary things) – you must feel good to discover that you still haven’t lost your ‘childhood’ even when you became a grown-up man…whether it is in Class VIII or at our age, we still love those stories, discuss and life become meaningful once again…

  • Rose Shine says:

    Awesome blog post, thank you very much for sharing it.

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