
वाटरटन नेशनल पार्क और यु.एस. बोर्डर (भाग १)


वाटरटन नेशनल पार्क यु.एस. के मोंटाना प्रान्त और कैनेडा के अलबर्टा प्रान्त के बोर्डर पर स्थित है. लाखों लोग यु.एस. और कैनेडा से हर साल नेशनल पार्क घूमने आते हैं. फोर्ट सस्केच्वन से वाटर टन पार्क की दूरी ६०० की. मी. है.

कैलगरी शहर के बाद सबवे पर लंच के लिए रुकते हैं. सबवे की संसार में 37,207 से ज्यादा लोकेशन हैं. भारत में 282 लोकेशन हैं. सबवे सेक्टर 15 फरीदाबाद में भी है. विदेश में शाकाहारी भोजन के लिए सबवे अच्छा आप्शन हैं. मेनू में पहले सफ़ेद या ब्राउन ब्रेड, उसके के बाद सौस, खीरा, टमाटर प्याज, शिमला मिर्च, (कच्ची कटी हुई) आदि डाल कर सब त्यार कर दिया जाता है.  भारत में यह ८० रूपये से शुरू होता है, विदेश  में ४ से ६ डॉलर का है.

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Rewalsar – A sacred confluence of multi religions


When you come to Rewalsar, you cannot be untouched by the spiritual vibrations being reflected in every activity in this sacred land, be it the chirpings of the birds, soulful chantings from the monastery or temple or Gurubani from the Gurudwara, people feeding hungry souls in the lake, pondering monkeys over the trees, Buddhist prayer flags swirling in the air, swimming ducks in the lake, meditating and contemplating holy people on bank of the lake, the green and serene water of the lake, monks running the prayer-wheels, beautiful surrounding hills, finely ornated colourful monasteries with young monks playing around, burning oil lamps, ringing bells, cows and dogs resting near the lake, swaying trees, smiling flowers etc, whatever passes through your eyes gives you a sort of positive vibrations.

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Twilight is dancing on the lake water. All the myriad reflections of life are alive. The sun is receding behind the mountains.  There are no more clouds in the sky. I wish for a starry night. Soon the last boatmen will oar his way back; his mind will be occupied by his earnings of the day. How much is sufficient, how much is luxury? In the end, we’ll all be Capitol Cinema – alone, old, dead.

My favorite bench near the band house is unoccupied. I scurry my way to it. The gurudwara, the oaks and the local salesmen stand tall. They have lived lives here, they are living lives here…

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Rediscovering Mussoorie


Being the nature lover’s that we are, we first went for a walk on Camel’s Back road. Camel’s Back road is a long winding road frequented by nature lovers who visit this place for their morning and evening walks. Unlike the Mall road, this was a much better place. It was calm and the views of the Himalayas were breathtaking. As the skies were clear, the snow-capped peaks could be seen clearly. Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and Yamunotri are some of the peaks that are visible from Camel’s Back road.

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Picturesque Manali


Manali, a picturesque hill station situated at a height of 6308 ft lies at the northern end of Himachal Pradesh and is undoubtedly one of the best Hill stations India has. At a distance of 550 km from the capital city of Delhi, Manali is the most sought out holiday destination for travelers. The snow-clad hill tops and amazing scenic beauty captures every person’s heart and offers an immense yet an extraordinary experience, no matter how many times you visit the place….. For me, it’s my favorite destination to let loose and embrace what life has to offer…along with a calmness that soothes the soul… so last winter’s we set of for a wintry holiday to Manali to celebrate a white Christmas!!
Distance from Delhi: 550 Km

Travel Time: 12-14 hours with 2-3 breaks in between

Best Time to Visit: Anytime, however to view snow…Late Dec-early March

Driving Directions and Map:

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In the last & the highest village of the Baspa Valley – Chitkul…..


Look closely and you can see the trails of the stars that form the Orion Constellation. No, Just look above the snow capped peak, a bit on the right from the center of the pic and you will see the trails of the three stars that are in the middle of the Orion Constellation. And you can also see a pink colored streak just a little bit on the right of the peak. That is Orion’s Nebula. Didn’t i tell you, i also spotted as much as 9 shooting stars and 1 satellite while capturing the star trails.

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