
Mesmerizing Canadian Rockies


Relentless rain and flash-flooding kept us pretty much house-arrested for the first couple of days, after which, the sun shone. And, all of a sudden the wide ranges of Canadian Rockies appeared at the west horizon of the city of Calgary. The gloomy city is all set for a bright and warm weekend. We set out for Banff in my sisters’ car on Saturday morning.

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Nainital and Mukteshwar- Kumaoni Paradise


We enjoyed our horse ride to Tiffin Top. The scenic beauty was simply breath taking. Gorgeous Kumaoni range came in front of us with almost every turns of the narrow road. Shera, my horse was very much obedient and being the local resident, it knew the better than anyone, I guess.

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Self-Drive trip across Thailand (7 days, 2000 kms) : Part 5 – Bang Saen to Kampaeng Phet


We had plans of visiting heritage sites and local night market, but lassitude takes over as soon as we arrive. After strolling around the neighbourhood, spying on local shops and outlets, we are back to the guest house.
There are number of cosy sit-outs within the house. In the evening, guests have gathered here to relax and chat-up. Soon I connect up with Bill, an Austrian from Vienna and Shoo, a Thai traveller. Yes, they tell, they are also travelling across Thailand. While exchanging notes I discover that both of them (though travelling separately) are very special Ghumakkars. Bill (actually Bills, a couple) has arrived here Cycling all the way from AUSTRIA! Well, the story goes like this. They are avid cyclists. They have covered large parts of the globe cycling. Bill roughly cycles for an year in one go! By end of the year long loop, he is back in Vienna to earn his livelihood. After earning for about 6-8 months, he is again out for the next trip. He tells us that he does not own a car and has a very small house in Vienna. He works just to make enough money for the next trip. Same is the story of his partner. She is from the same place and they share the same passion. They are 6 months into the current trip and plan to cycle north to China and then through Kazakhstan and Eastern Europe to Vienna. Their belongings, typical for cyclists, comprise of two rucksacks (strapped to either side of the carrier) and a sleeping bag cum tenting equipment.

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देहरादून कुछ जाना कुछ अनजाना


इसके बाद हम प्रकर्ति का अजूबा घूचूपानी या रोबर्स केव की और चल पड़े |हमारे गाइड और ऑटो चालक ने बताया जब आप अंदर जाओगे तो ऐसा लगेगा की आप वात्तानुकुलित सुरंग मे चल रहे है |घूचूपानी, देहरादून से 8 किलोमीटर दूर राजपुर रोड पर अनारवाला गांव से 1 किलोमीटर की पैदल दूरी पर सिथत है |यह एक प्राकर्तिक गुफा है जिसमे लगभग आधा किलोमीटर अंदर तक आप जा सकते है|गुफा के अंदर पानी गुप्त स्रोतों से बह रहा है |यंहा टिकेट ले कर हम अंदर परवेश कर गये ऐसा लग रहा था जैसे डिस्कवरी चैनल के किसी प्रोग्राम में शामिल हो गये है |कंही सुंदर झरना है तो कंही ऊपर से गुफा की दीवार मे से पानी की बोछार हो रही है |कभी आप कमर तक पानी मे डूब जाते है तो अगले ही पल पानी एकदम गायब हो जाता है|मेरे नटखट पुत्र ने इस जगह को नाम दिया गुपचुप पानी |

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Trip to Darbar Sahib-Where self meets the soul…-I


There is this railway crossing on the Dinanagar-Gurdaspur stretch of NH-15 which lies miraculously at the centre of a leftward curve. Most of the drivers usually get caught unaware at this crossing. I was familiar with the notoriety of this curve and hence was attentive to its arrival. Just after crossing over the railway line, we stopped near a fruit-seller to fill our empty stomachs and sat on the nearby tube-well to chat. Our jokes and pranks didn’t seem to end anytime soon but we realised that we should pull ahead. Back to the car, we hit the road again and entered Gurdaspur city after 10 kms. There is a bypass which you can take to avoid the traffic and congestion at the Gurdaspur town but since it was a national holiday (2nd Oct), the traffic was sparse and we drove through the city. Looking around for some nice place to have a proper breakfast, all four of us had our necks craned out of the window. However, any place proposed by one was put down by the rest…a big disadvantage of traveling in an all-guys-group i think. Suddenly, I saw a turbanated policeman signalling us to stop. I just wanted to zip ahead as we were on the right side of law in every respect (thats what I believed till then) but Jaspreet insisted that we should stop as the Punjab Police cops chase such cars which dont stop and then harrass you even more…the job they are best at. Stopping a few metres ahead, I asked everyone to relax and not to get out of the car…a mistake that cost us 200 bucks!!! The Sardarji policeman came upto our car…positioned his elbows on the window and asked where we were from. We replied in Punjabi that we are from Jammu and heading towards The Harmandir Sahib. The Sardarji smiled at us and asked us why we had not fastened our seat belts…..HOLY SHIT… We realised that after we started driving from our last stop where we had fruits, we had just forgot to fasten our seat-belts.

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राजवाड़ा – इंदौर का आईना


कृष्णपुरा की छत्रियां (Cenotaphs), इंदौर के होलकर राजवंश के पूर्व शासकों की समाधियाँ हैं. ये छत्रियां इंदौर की खान नदी के किनारे पर निर्मित हैं तथा वास्तुकला की दृष्टि से एक उत्कृष्ट निर्माण हैं. सैकड़ों वर्षों से विद्यमान ये छत्रियां होलकर मराठा राजवंश के गौरवशाली ईतिहास की द्यौतक हैं. मराठा वास्तुकला शैली में निर्मित ये छत्रियां पर्यटकों को बहुत लुभाती हैं तथा आमंत्रित करती हैं. ये छत्रियां मालवा की शासिका महारानी कृष्णाबाई, महाराजा तुकोजीराव तथा महाराजा शिवाजीराव की समाधियों पर निर्मित हैं तथा इन्हीं शासकों को समर्पित हैं. इन छत्रियों में सभाग्रह तथा गर्भगृह हैं, गर्भगृह में इन शासकों की मूर्तियों के साथ अब हिन्दू देवी देवताओं की मूर्तियाँ भी स्थापित कर दी गई हैं.

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Self Drive Trip across Thailand (7 days, 2000 kms) : Part 4 (Bang Saen)


Next day we walk down to the beach. Beach has its own share of food stalls and other knick-knacks counters. We come across a lady vending ripe jackfruit flesh. This is an exotic dish in Bengal (Bongs famously say that you either love it or hate it – immensely; primarily because of its strong odour and quaint taste). Sharmi tries the fruit and it tastes good. Jackfruits look quite different here. They are larger in size and pricklier in appearance. We saw them yesterday while entering Bang Saen but did not recognise them for what they are. It’s only today, on coming across the peeled version, does the realisation dawn.

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इंदौर – मध्य प्रदेश का कोहिनूर / ट्रेज़र आईलेंड में सैर सपाटा


ट्रेज़र आईलेंड के मुख्य आकर्षणों में Max Retail, PVR, McDonalds, Pizza Hut आदि हैं, और ये सब मध्य प्रदेश में सबसे पहले यहीं यानी इंदौर के ट्रेज़र आईलेंड में ही शुरू हुए. हर बजट को सूट करती हुई शौपिंग के लिए इंदौर में ट्रेज़र आईलेंड से बढ़कर और कोई जगह नहीं है. इंदौर के युवाओं की तो यह जगह पहली पसंद है. लैंडमार्क ग्रुप ने भारत में अपने पहले रिटेल स्टोर की शुरुआत ट्रेज़र आईलेंड इंदौर से ही की थी. यह मॉल नॉएडा तथा गुडगाँव के मॉल्स की टक्कर का है. सभी उम्दा ब्रांड्स के शोरूम्स से सजे धजे इस मॉल में स्टेट ऑफ़ आर्ट एस्केलेटर्स भी लगे हैं. यह इंदौर ही नहीं समूचे मध्य प्रदेश का सबसे बड़ा मॉल है. इंदौर के लोगों के लिए तो ट्रेज़र आईलेंड किसी टूरिस्ट स्पॉट से कम नहीं है.

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Self-Drive trip across Thailand (7 days, 2000 kms): Part-2 Preparing for the trip


Thailand packages are tediously limited to Bangkok and Pattaya (that’s how they are bundled up by travel agents here); and for the more desirous ones, add-ons are Phuket or Krabi. Ditto, while discussing Thailand with colleagues who have visited it, all they had on offer were superficials limited to these destination. And here is what we observed – Bangkok, where we spent maximum time was the most uninspiring despite all its glitzy malls, tourist spots, shopping centers, et al and Pattaya, which we drove across, did not appear much different. Actually, both the places had ‘TOURISTY – NOT AUTHENTIC’ tag imprinted bolder than the fonts here for any discerning traveler to see. Our best memories of the country extend beyond (and almost exclude) these two places.

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Panch Prayag, Joshimath, Auli – All the Way to Badrinath – Part I of II


Next day morning, we got our breakfast packed and headed for Joshimath at around 8 a.m. It was a calculated four-hour drive from Rudraprayag. The hills were getting more and more rugged as we travelled farther and farther and more of stark, stony beauty of the Himalayas unfolded. The next stopover was at Karnaprayag. Karnaprayag is about 174 kms from Rishikesh and about 32 kms from Rudraprayag. It is again the divine meeting point of the geographically important green Pindar River with the religiously important brown and muddy Alakananda River. It is believed that here the mighty Karna had performed his penance and attained his indestructible powers from his father, the Sun God. We stretched our legs and after a brief stint of photography session, we continued heading towards Joshimath via the same NH 58.

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