
Ride to Rajasthan- Pune to Ahmedabad – Day 1


We were all there, ready to rock n roll, and lined up for a photograph at the starting point … when to our horror, the Armed guard from the cantonment came running towards us …. “hey … yahan photo kheechna mana hai” (photography is not permitted here), we could not take panga with the armed forces and we like good citizens of the country started our machines … and with a roar of 4 RE, 1 Honda CBR, 5 pulsars moved from Rakshak Chowk. The Ride to Rajasthan Had officially started!!!

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नागेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग – ईश्वर सत्य है, सत्य ही शिव है, शिव ही सुन्दर है.


सभी घुमक्कड़ साथियों को कविता की ओर से ………ॐ नमः शिवाय……….इस श्रंखला की पिछली पोस्ट में मैंने आपलोगों को भगवान श्री कृष्ण की नगरी…

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गिरनार-सिध्ध चौराशियोंकी पवित्र भूमि


गिरनार पर्वत, जो जूनागढ़ शहर की सबसे खुबसूरत जगह में से एक है यह एकमात्र ईएसआई जगह है जहाँ पर एसियाटिक लायन (Asiatic Lion) पाए जाते है. गिरनार जो गुजरात की सबसे ऊँची पहाड़ी है और उसके सबसे ऊँचे शिखर जहाँ पर भगवन दत्तात्रेय जी की जगह है. बारिशके मौसम में यहाँ का वातावरण बहोत ही खुशनुमा होता है और पूरा जंगल एक नयी नवेली दुल्हन की तरह प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य से सजा हुआ दीखता है.

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वीराने का अद्भुत सौदर्य-कच्छ का रण


बचपन में भूगोल विषय में जब नक़्शे में रण ऑफ़ कच्छ देखते थे तो समझ नही आता था यहाँ क्या है.उस समय पर्यटन की सुविधाए नही थी तो आम जनमानस भी कच्छ की यात्रा नही कर पाते थे.अतः तब अधिक जानकारी भी उपलब्ध नही थी..समय गुजरा और पर्यटन में रूचि जागृत हुई तब कच्छ भी विश लिस्ट में आ गया.प्राथमिकता तब भी जाने माने पर्यटन क्षेत्र ही रहे.फिर महानायक के विज्ञापन आने शुरू हुए
“कच्छ नही देखा तो कुछ नही देखा”

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Road Journeys – Circulating the Kutch: Narayan Sarovar & Koteshwar Mahadev


The road was throughout single, isolated, un-inhabited and sheer windy along the creek and amidst thick long thorny bushes, but well maintained, perhaps due to military access. Luckily, the longest ever 30 km road was negotiated skillfully and we reached Narayan Sarovar before it was too dark. Later realized that we have not happened to see any wild life in the entire stretch, not even a Chinnkara or any Great Indian Bustard for which the sanctuary is meant.

On enquiries, we were informed about availability of fuel in every 2nd shops there, but at a much higher price, almost double. Helplessly, I had to pay Rs. 500/- after a bargain for 5 litres of contaminated petrol.

For information, the only accommodations available at Narayan Sarovar are the nominally paid Dharamshalas and no eateries as well. Langars at the old Dharamshala however, serve the purpose. The only public conveyance is a bus that reaches late evening and leaves early in the morning, connecting Bhuj.

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Some Days in Gujarat…. Adalaj Ni Vav and GandhiNagar sojourn


Legend says that Mahmud Begara was mesmerised by the beauty of the Queen Roopoba, the wife of the chieftain and had promised to complete the structure if the queen marry the ruler as the Vaghela ruler had died till then. Structure was completed by Mahmud but the queen instead of marrying him, committed suicide by jumping from the uppermost story of this step well.

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Some Days in Gujarat: Kankaria Lake front (Part 1)


After going some distance , we saw that in lake there was a big balloon like structure near the shore only and kids were packed inside it and they enjoyed floating inside it for sometime. We witnessed the scene for sometime and I asked Pavani if she wanted to experience it. She replied in affirmative as she had not done it before. The ticket rate for this was Rs. 50. I guess it was fun for her.

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Some days in Gujarat – Finally We Reached (Part 2)


Anyway we crawled through this part dreaming about the great highway ahead as I had heard of. And our dream came true sooner and an awesome highway welcomed us and our Maruti was behaving like a luxury car on this highway, so good is the highway, a zigzag movement notwithstanding. Now all of us were feeling hungary and in search of a good Dhaba was our priority.

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Ahmedabad Trip Part 1

Ahmedabad Trip Part 1


The city of Ahmedabad or Amdavad is located on the banks of Sabarmati Lake in the state of Gujarat, India. In earlier times, the city was the capital of the state of Gujarat Sultanate. It is the seventh largest metropolitan city in the country of India. It is also usually phrased as Manchester of the East of India. Ahmedabad is the land of the ‘Father of the Nation’. Mahatma Gandhi and has observed numerous movements of Indian Independence. So the city is rich in history and culture. This post is about the places I visited during my trip to Ahmedabad.

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