Ojaswi Resort , Chaukori – Hotel Review
Ample parking space, well maintained gardens and clean room with white crisp sheets have already won our hearts but it was dark by the…
Read MoreAmple parking space, well maintained gardens and clean room with white crisp sheets have already won our hearts but it was dark by the…
Read MoreLife is hectic. Time is preciously scarce with two young kids, a demanding job, high amour-propre, and with immense interest in never ending supplies…
Read MoreFortunately clear skies gave us a chance to say proper goodbye to mighty tops. Chukhamba, Trishul, Nandadevi and Panch-chuli were among many shikhars visible today morning. It is said, only from Kausani, distinct trishul shape can be seen on the equilateral triangle shaped Trishul peak. In fact these are three peaks on one massif. Though we might be seeing mountain tops still from our next points of visit but not all of them in one go.
We started descending for Ranikhet. The valley was green with wheat and mustard farms. Most of the farms were carved in hill terraces. Different shades of green were splashed on round curved fields. Apple trees were leafless but were bearing white flowers. Some of the other trees were total yellow and some red. But many others had shed their leaves in the winter and were waiting for warmer weather. Spring has almost arrived but frequent unexpected snowfall has delayed blooming season. Anyways, fall does have its own beauty. I could not resist myself from comparing seasons with life-cycle.
On the way, we visited a kalika temple. Next was a Golf Course which was covered with yellow grass. It was noon time so couldn’t stand in open for long and moved ahead. One more temple, a shawl factory and a barren empty fruit orchard could not interest us much.
Ranikhet is basically an army cantonment area. Lots of training facility buildings and practice grounds occupy most of the town. Security connected jawans and their families form majority of population. Cleanliness and environmental care was visible in the town. Civilian areas had not matched that standard.
कोई शक नही हिन्दुस्तान मे चोपटा की प्राक्रतिक सुंदरता नायाब है। कोसानी के बारे मे महात्मा गाँधी ने स्विट्ज़रलैंड ऑफ इंडिया कहा था। वहाँ उन्होने अपना आश्रम भी बनाया परन्तु चोपटा की सुंदरता के आगे कोसानी कहीं नही टिकता है। जो भी चोपटा आता है वह यहाँ की खूबसूरती को भूल नही सकता। यहाँ पर हम लोग लगभग आधा घंटा रुक कर आस पास के नज़ारे देखते रहे। यहाँ की सुंदरता देख कर बार-बार सब कहने लगे बहुत अच्छा किया जो हम इस रास्ते से आए वरना हमे पता ही नही चलता कि कितनी खूबसूरत यह जगह है।
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