Vignettes of Coorg – A Weekend Tour
I have been footloose and travelling extensively in the last few years, visiting many corners of the country. I have spent time in the…
Read MoreI have been footloose and travelling extensively in the last few years, visiting many corners of the country. I have spent time in the…
Read MoreWe had booked a cozy and nice home stay in the heart of Madikeri and it dint take more than an hour and half for us to reach Kakabbe- the village from where our trek began. To reach Kakabbe isnt too tough because the localites guide you till the place, or even better, take a local bus from the Madikeri bus station till Kakabbe.
Read MoreThe Scotland of India It is often said that Coorg is the “Scotland of India”. Having seen something of Coorg on this trip, and…
Read Moreकोडगु या कुर्ग कर्णाटक प्रान्त का एक जिला है। इसका मुख्यालय मडिकेरी में है। पश्चिमी घाट पर स्थित पहाड़ों और घाटियों का प्रदेश कुर्ग दक्षिण भारत का एक प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल है। यह खूबसूरत पर्वतीय स्थल समुद्र तल से 1525 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर है। यहां की यात्रा एक न भूलने वाला अनुभव है। कुर्ग के पहाड़, हरे-भरे जंगल, चाय और कॉफी के बागान मन को लुभाते हैं। कावेरी नदी का उदगम स्थान कुर्ग अपनी प्राकृतिक खूबसूरती के अलावा रिवर राफ्टिंग, हाइकिंग, क्रॉस कंट्री और ट्रेल्स के लिए भी मशहूर है।
Read MoreThe place has a guest house and treetop cottages run by the Forest Dept. I heard from the regular visitors to the place that tourists were allowed to enter into the river at certain safe and shallow points to enjoy themselves under the watch of the guards. But I found all those entry points locked and out-of-bounds for tourists. The guards at the place said that this was a precautionary step to avoid any mishaps because of flash floods which were possible sometimes in January. He also added that in March and April, there was no restrictions for tourists to enter the river. I wondered how much water will be there in the river then !
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