
गढ़वाल घुमक्कड़ी: भविष्य बद्री


देवभूमि गढ़वाल के कुछ छिपे हुए रत्नों को तलाशती तीन दोस्तों की कभी ना भुला पाने वाली रोमांचक घुमक्कड़ी की दास्तान…जिसमे हमने कुछ बेहतरीन नज़ारे देखे, कुछ अनोखे और सोच बदलने वाले अनुभवों से गुजरे, कुछ खुबसूरत दोस्तों से मिले, कुछ बेहतरीन ठिकानों पर रात गुजारी और बहुत कुछ सीखने को मिला…

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गढ़वाल घुमक्कड़ी: जोशीमठ – तपोवन – बाबा आश्रम


पैदल घूमते घामते प्रकृति को निहारते हुए सलधार पहुँचे और सबसे पहले वसुधारा की पद यात्रा से सबक लेकर एक दुकान पर रुककर आगे की यात्रा के लिए कुछ चने और मीठी गोलियाँ रख ली. सलधार से भविष्य बद्री तक का रास्ता ज़्यादातर जगह जंगल के बीच से गुज़रते हुए जाता था जहाँ कई जगह राह मे दो रास्ते सामने आ जाते थे जो हमारी दुविधा का कारण बन बैठते. ऐसे मे कई बार या तो स्थानीय लोगो की मदद से और कई बार बस किस्मत के भरोसे ‘अककड़ बक्कड़’ करके हम लोग जैसे तैसे सुभाईं नामक गाँव तक पहुँचे जहाँ से भविष्य बद्री की दूरी लगभग 1 ½ किमी ही रह जाती है.

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Panch Prayag, Joshimath, Auli – All the Way to Badrinath – Part I of II


Next day morning, we got our breakfast packed and headed for Joshimath at around 8 a.m. It was a calculated four-hour drive from Rudraprayag. The hills were getting more and more rugged as we travelled farther and farther and more of stark, stony beauty of the Himalayas unfolded. The next stopover was at Karnaprayag. Karnaprayag is about 174 kms from Rishikesh and about 32 kms from Rudraprayag. It is again the divine meeting point of the geographically important green Pindar River with the religiously important brown and muddy Alakananda River. It is believed that here the mighty Karna had performed his penance and attained his indestructible powers from his father, the Sun God. We stretched our legs and after a brief stint of photography session, we continued heading towards Joshimath via the same NH 58.

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Auli – Land of peaks, forest and flowers


It was a clear day with sun rays warming our bodies that have gone numb due to the chill in the air. High snow clad peaks bordered with Golden oak and deodar kissing the deep blue sky above, welcomed us to Auli. A look at the place and all our tiredness of long journey through zig zag roads, landslides and pilgrims traffic is gone.

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Trip to Auli-Joshimath-Badrinath-Mana


We hired a car to drop us to the ‘MANA VILLAGE’, 3 kms from badrinath then it was a walking distance of 1km to reach for ‘Vyas gufa’ where it is believed that ‘Vyas ji’ wrote ‘Mahabharata’. Walking more, made us reach a hill in the shape of a book, VYAS POTHI where ved vyas ji worked on the 17 ‘adhyaya’ and finding himself not so satisfied, created the 18th one there walking more, took us to the ‘Bheempul’ where Bheem kept a large stone on the ‘Saraswati nadi’ to help Draupadi cross the river. Saraswati river is really scary the sound of the flowing water was a roar with the help of some snacks, chilled water, our stomachs were not starving.

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