The welcome board put up at the entrance to Sari by the villager’s shows a detailed map of Deoria Tal and the peaks that surround it. The Sari village committee is responsible for the upkeep of the area.
Read MoreThe welcome board put up at the entrance to Sari by the villager’s shows a detailed map of Deoria Tal and the peaks that surround it. The Sari village committee is responsible for the upkeep of the area.
Read MoreThe last night’s amazing views of the sky dotted with innumerable twinkling stars left me spell bound and I was eagerly waiting for the sunrise. Next day, I got up at 4 and asked the tent shop owner to wake up the guide. After half an hour later, we started our climb to the peak and reached there well before time and now all (all bengalis except us as this place interestingly is mostly visited by the bengalis, witness to that are the shop signboards in bengali) were waiting for the sunrise. As soon as the sun rose from behind the Nanda Devi peak, all were all set to capture the golden ring created by the sunrise. Our guide told us the names of all the Himalayan peaks that ranges from Nanda Devi till Yamunotri Peak from right to left where Chaukhamba is the most dominating peak in the middle.
Read MoreTraveling to the rolling mountain-escape of Himalayas in Uttarakhand is always an enlightening experience, as much about spirit as about landscapes. The luxury of contrasting beauty manifest in sweeping valleys and undulating mountain peaks is akin to the difference between the void described by soul and the apparent divine perceived by heart. A journey to the “Devbhoomi”, abode of gods needs to be experienced. It’s a transcendental experience which can’t be shared…only told.
Read Moreकुछ देर फोटोग्राफी करने के बाद हम लोग चोपता की और निकल पड़े। आराम से चलते-चलते करीब एक घंटे बाद हम नीचे पहुँच गए। सीधे जाकर दुकान मे घुसे और चाय का ऑर्डर दिया और दुकानदार को बोल दिया कि हमारे फ्रेश होने के लिए गर्म पानी भी कर देना। इस समय यहाँ पर एक जीप कुछ सवारियों के साथ रुकी हुई थी। लगभग अँधेरा होने ही वाला था एक अजीब सा सन्नाटा था। देख कर ही समझ मे आ रहा था की ये सवारियों की आखरी जीप होगी इसके बाद यहाँ कोई नहीं आएगा। सामान वाला बैग रखने के बाद हम लोग रूम के बाहर आ गए।
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