Amarnath Yatra

अमरनाथ यात्रा 2014 (Amarnath Pilgrimage) – प्रथम भाग


बात जुलाई 1998 की है। मैं इंजीनियरी करने के बाद बेकार था । हमारे शहर से एक बस अमरनाथ यात्रा पर जा रही थी। मेरे पिता जी उन दिनो बिमार थे और घर पर ही रहते थे। उन्होनें मुझसे कहा कि सारा दिन आवारा घुमता है, अमरनाथ यात्रा पर ही चला जा। मैं यात्रा पर जाने के लिए तैयार हो गया। आने जाने और खाने-पीने का खर्च घर से मिल रहा था तो कौन मना क रता।

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AMARNATH Yatra starts: Ambala to Udhampur


The Amarnath Yatra was starting on 30th June 2010.We had decided to leave on first week of July and was waiting for opening of online registrations which was due on 5th June. I was preparing but was not sure whether I will be able to go or not because my mother was ill for some period.
Recently she was diagnosed with stones in GB. She was already suffering from heart, asthma and BP. She felt severe pain many times due to stones and her condition was deteriorating day by day.

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Important information for the Yatra


Situated in a narrow gorge at the farther end of Lidder Valley, Amarnath Shrine stands at 3,888 m, 46 Km from Pahalgam and 14 Kms from Baltal. Though the original pilgrimages subscribes that the Yatra (journey) be undertaken from Srinagar, the more common practice is to begin journey at Chandanwari, and cover the distance to Amarnathji. Pahalgam is 96 Kms from Srinagar. Amarnathji is considered to be one of the major Hindu Dhams. The holy cave is the abode of Lord Shiva. The guardian of the absolute, Lord Shiva, the destroyer, is enshrined in the form of an ice-lingam in this cave. This lingam is formed naturally, which is believed to wax and wane with the moon.

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