Call for a Journey Inward


A man’s journey starts with his birth and passes through various stages right from infancy, childhood, adolescence and old age. Another journey which is parallel to it, starts with it when he grows up and starts his career. When he reaches at the pinnacle of his career—a stage comes when he feels that to go beyond the concept of multiplying the wealth accumulated by him so far—a stage when he thinks that earning money is not the ultimate aim of his life. Then, he goes berserk

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RSVP: The Rashtrapati Bhavan – A Mute Spectator of History


Once the past is passed, and we come out of that state of hardship and enter into another phase of life, only then we realise what had been those pleasurable moments which we exhausted without really enjoying it, however wonderful that had been. Here, I am referring to the time I spent in Rashtrapati Bhavan by virtue of being posted there for a span of 5 years (2012-2017), co-terminus with the tenure of the then Rashtrapati Ji, Shri Pranab Mukherjee.

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When you yearn to start anything new, you develop a kind of inkling that you are becoming a part of that thing. Similarly, when you plan to traverse the land of Buddha, you start inculcating a sense of being a kind of Buddha in you. Suddenly a different type of serenity and piousness, calm, and sense of discovering yourself develop in you. And this is a kind of mystic change in you which drives you to visit Ladakh, the land of Buddha.

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