घुमक्कड़ी – कुछ खट्टी…. कुछ मीठी (2)

पिछले भाग में आपने पढ़ी घुम्मकड़ी की कुछ खट्टी कुछ मीठी यादें...कि किस तरह घुमक्कड़ी की यादें हमारे जीवन में एक न मिटने वाली यादगार बन जाती हैं… कई बार तो हम मुख्य यात्रा को भुलाकर उस खट्टी-मीठी याद के सहारे उस य़ात्रा को याद करते है….

क्या है घुमक्कड़ी…

पढ़ो तो इक किताब है घुमक्कड़ी

देखो गर तो इक ख्वाब है घुमक्कड़ी

हंसो तो आसान बन जाती घुमक्कड़ी

सुनो तो ज्ञान बन जाती घुमक्कड़ी

घुमक्कड़ी केवल दर्शनीय स्थलों या हिमालय की ऊंचाईयों को छूना ही नही… जब भी हम अपनी यात्रा के पन्नों को वापिस पढ़ते है.. तो हम पाते हैं कि हमारी यात्रा ने हमारा साहस बढ़ाया… हमारा आत्म-विश्वास उपर उठाया… हमे और अधिक सहिष्णु बनाया… और कहीं तो हमारे जीवन के सब मूल्यों को ही बदल दिया…  उसी कड़ी में कुछ और खट्टी – मीठी कहानियां मेरी घुम्मकड़ी की. …आशा है आपको ये पसंद आंयेंगी व आप भी इन घटनाओं के जरिए अपनी खट्टी-मीठी यादें ताज़ा कर लेंगें ।

(Dear friends … in earlier part/s of this Series, you saw how important the reminiscences are in our travelling.  Many a times, we forget other details of our travellings and remember it by the sweet & sour memories of that travelling.  Travelling is not simply going to some places or reaching the heights of Himalayas… when we rewind the films of our travels and see it frame by frame … we find that it has changed our life altogether.  It has made us more confident, given us more tolerance, given us more strength and sometimes even changed our perspective towards life and its aim.

I am presenting in this second part some more reminiscences of my old travels..Hope you will enjoy them and relate them with your own similar memories… If you cant read Hindi, translation is in the end of each story)


1977 में पहली बार जब परिवार के साथ घूमने गये तो वैष्णो देवी से घूमते-2 अंत में हरिद्वार पंहुचे । अपने खानदानी पंडे के घर पर डेरा डाला और हरिद्वार घूमना शुरु । एक दिन घूमकर वापिस आ रहे थे तो बाज़ार में एक साधू पिताजी से बोला – बेटा एक सवाल है… मैं गंगोत्री जा रहा हूं और किसी चोर ने मेरा थैला उड़ा लिया। क्या तुम मुझे एक गीता तथा एक  माला खरीद कर दे सकते हो ??


Sadhu Or Shaitan – who knows

पिताजी ने पास की दुकान से  दोनो चीज खरीद कर उसे दे दी और रास्ते भर हमें कहते आये – देखा … ये था असली साधु.. ना पैसे का लालच.. न भीख मांगना.. मैं भिखारी साधुओं को कभी पैसे नही देता पर इसकी बात ही कुछ और थी. देखा बेटा उसके चेहरे पर क्या नूर था.. इत्यादि-2 । मैं तब बिल्कुल नास्तिक ही था व मेरी धर्म और साधुओं में कोइ दिलचस्पी नही थी… पर पिताजी की बात सुन कर हां हुं करता रहा.. छोटा भाई विपिन अभी इतना बड़ा नही हुआ था कि ये सब बातें समझ सके.

खैर घर पंहुचते ही माताजी को याद आया कि नमक खरीदना तो वो भूल ही गयीं थी.. अत: मुझे भगाया गया बाजार नमक लेने। मै जब बाजार पंहुचा तो देखा वो साधू दुकानदार के पास खड़ा हंस कर बाते कर रहा था, फिर उसने झोले से वो किताब तथा माला निकाल कर दुकानदार को दी और उससे पैसे लेकर चला गया । मैं. दुकानदार के पास पंहुच कर बोला – भैया अभी कुछ देर पहले मेरे पिताजी ने आपसे गीता व माला खरीद कर इस साधू को दी थी.. ये वापिस क्यो कर गया .

दुकानदार हंस कर बोला – भईया इसका धंधा ही यही है. अगर पैसे मांगेगा तो कोई अठन्नी या चवन्नी देगा. पर ये गुरु घंटाल पटा कर गीता व माला मांगता है जो अधिकतर लोग ले देते हैं… व कुछ देर बाद ये मुझे वापिस कर जाता है और मै 25प्रतिशत काट कर इसे पैसे दे देता हूं

मेरा मन खट्टा हो गया… घर जाकर पिताश्री को सारी घटना बताई… पर वो बोले – बेटा वो अपनी भुगतेगा मैने तो श्रद्धावश ही उसे दान दिया..

धर्म के नाम पर लोगों को बेवकूफ बनाने वाले लोग… असली साधुओं का भी Impression खराब कर देते है…. पर अगली घटना ने मेरा साधुओं के प्रति रवैया बदल दिया… पढ़ते रहिये आगे


(In 1977 when i went for a long pilgrimage with my parents, for the first time travelling of my life, we started from Vaishno Devi and reached Haridwar in the end.  In Haridwar we stayed at the house of our family priest and started exploring Haridwar.  One day while we were returning from a long day, a sadhu met us in the market and told my father – Son I am going to Gangtori, but a thief has stolen my bag.  I need a book of Geeta and a bead to remember god daily.  Will you be kind enough to purchase and give me these two things ?

My father purchased a little book of Geeta and a bead for Rs. 5 from a nearby shop and gave them to the Sadhu, who blessed us and left.  My father was imprssed by the gesture of Sadhu and told me – See how pious this saint is ?  I never give alms to sadhus, but this sadhu did not care for money.. and asked for Shri Geeta book.  I was then utter atheist and had no interest in sadhus and priests… I just nodded on father’s appreciations of the sadhu.  My younger brother vipin was too young to understand these things


Reaching home, my mother remembered that she forgot to purchase salt for kitchen and asked me to rush to the market and bring some.  When I reached the market I saw that the same sadhu was standing near the shop and was laughingly telling something to the shopkeeper.  After a few moments, he brought out the book and mala and gave them to the shopkeeper, who in turn gave him some money and the sadhu left.  I went to the shopkeeper and asked him – bro just now my father puchased Geeta and mala from you and gave to this sadhu, why has he returned them to you ?


The shopkeeper laughed  and said – brother it is his business.  If he asks for alms, the people would give him 25 p or 50 p, but this cheat has invented a unique way.  He poses as selfless sadhu and asks for Geeta and mala, which most of the people happily give him.  He then comes back to me returns my book and mala and I give him the money deducting my 25% commission.

I really felt bad on this episode and patted myself for not respecting sadhus and saints.  I reached home and explained this to my father who simply said – He has not cheated me.  He has cheated himself by telling lies.

Such cheaters spoil the name of god and impression of other genuine saints.. But another incident changed my idea about sadhus… keep reading



2009 में मेरे पिताश्री की मृत्यु हुई और कुछ माह पूर्व ही उन्होनें मुझे कहा कि उन्होंने चन्द्रबदनी नहीं देखा अतः मैं उन्हे दिखा लाऊं। मेरे पिताजी महा-घुमक्कड़ रह चुके थे । बस से 3 बार सम्पूर्ण भारत दर्शन, 3 बार चारों धाम की यात्रा, अलग से 2 बार और गंगोत्री, 2 बार नेपाल व गंगा सागर तथा 5 बार अमरऩाथ यात्रा… मैं सारी जिंदगी लगा रहुं तो भी इतनी यात्रा नहीं कर सकता । और ये सारी यात्राएं उन्होने 50 वर्ष की आयू से 75 के बीच कीं .. माताजी के साथ। शायद ही भारत का कोई मंदिर होगा जहां वो नहीं गये… तो उनकी चन्द्रबदनी की इच्छा पूरी करने मैं उन्हें अपनी Getz में देवप्रयाग व चंद्र-बदनी ले गया। वापसी में हरिद्वार रुके तथा स्नान करने मैं उन्हे सप्तधारा के पास एक घाट पर ले गया…

सुबह का समय था… लोग कम ही थे. मैं गाड़ी के पास आया व सामान ठीक ठाक करने लगा। सामने एक साधु ने किसी गाड़ी वाले से पैसे लिये और सामने चाय की दुकान से एक कप में दूध डलवा कर मेरी कार के पीछे गया.. मैने उत्सुकतावश पीछे जाकर देखा तो पाया कि वहां एक पिल्ला तड़प रहा था। पिल्ले के शरीर का पिछला हिस्सा रक्तरंजित था और वो असहाय सा च्याउं-2 कर रहा था ।

साधू जोकि करीब 30 वर्ष का था, काले रंग का चोगा पहने था… शायद अवधूत या अघोरी होगा क्योकि बाकि सब साधू भगवे रंग के कपड़े पहनते हैं । साधु वहां बैठा उस पिल्ले को प्यार करते हुए दूध पिलाने की कोशिश कर रहा था.. पिल्ला इतना पीड़ा-ग्रस्त था कि उस से दूध भी नहीं पिया जा रहा था । साधू ने फिर उसे गोद में उठा कर उसके मुंह में दूध की बूंदे टपकानी शुरु कर दी ।

मैने साधू से पूछा – महाराज क्या हुआ इसे ??

साधू ने कहा – अभी कुछ देर पहले कुछ लोग घाट पर स्नान करके गये और इस पिल्ले के पिछले हिस्से पर गाड़ी का पहिया चढ़ा दिया… मैने उनको आवाज़ भी लगाई थी पर उन्होने अनसुना कर दिया और चले गये ।

मैने पूछा – महाराज पर ये तो मर जायेगा लगता है

साधू – जो ईश्वर की मर्जी….पर मैं इसे भूखा नहीं मरने दे सकता… ईश्वर अपना काम कर रहा है.. और मैं अपना..ये बचे या ना बचे इस में मैं कुछ नहीं कर सकता… पर भूखा न मरे ये तो कर ही सकता हूं । वैसे अभी 10 बजे जानवरों का एक अस्पताल, जो यहां से कुछ दूर है, खुल जायेगा…..अगर ये तब तक बच गया तो इसे ले जाउंगा हो सकता है डाक्टर बचा दे ।

मेरा माथा झन्ना गया… एक आदमी है जो असहाय पिल्ले को कुचल देता है और मुड़ कर भी नहीं देखता… और घर पंहुच कर सबको बताता है कि वो गंगा जी में अपने पाप धो आया….ओर एक ये गरीब साधू है जिसे दिन की पहली भीख मिली है और जिस पैसे से वो अपने लिये चाय मटठी ना खरीद कर भूखा-प्यासा… एक पिल्ले को भूख से बचा रहा है ।… और कह रहा है कि वो अपना फर्ज निभा रहा है ।

मैने दुकान से चाय मट्ठी लाकर साधू को दी और कहा – महाराज चाय पी लिजीए…वो अनमना सा चाय सुड़कने लगा और बीच-2 में पिल्ले के मूंह में दूध भी डालता रहा ।

Sadhu Or Shaitan – who knows

मैं कभी किसी भिखारी को भीख नहीं देता.. क्योंकि ये मेरे असूलों के खिलाफ है.. पर उस दिन के बाद अगर कोई साधू मुझसे पैसे मांगे तो मैं जरुर 5-10 रुं दे देता हूं… हो सकता है उन दर्जनों साधुओं में कम से कम एक ऐसा हो जो.. . जैसा उस दिन मैने दैखा……जो शायद किसी की जान बचा रहा हो ।

(My father died in 2009 and a few months before he asked me to take him to Siddhapeetha Chandrabadni.  My father had been a great traveler. He has seen whole of India 3 time by buses and trains, 3 times all the four Dhaams, 2 separate visits to Gangotri, 2 times Nepal and Ganga Sagar and 5 times Amarnath cave.  And all these travesl he performed with my mother, between the age 50-75.  If I travel all my life I can not defeat him in Ghumakkari. So to fulfil his desire I took him and mother to Chandrabadni in my car.  While returning home, we stayed in Haridwar and I took them to Saptadhara for a holy bath.

It was early morning and the ghat was not crowded.  I came to my car to arrange the things.   Then I saw a sadhu who was given some money by a traveler .. he went to nearby  shop and purchased a cup of milk with the alms and went behind my car.  Curiously I went near him to see what was he doing behind my car and found that an injured puppy was   lying there crying with pain.

The sadhu was in 30s and was wearing black robes, which was uncommon for a normal sadhu, who wears saffron clothes.  I think he was either an Aghori or Avadhoot, a special Tantrik Sadhus feared by common people.  The sadhu was sitting besides the puppy and was trying to feed him the milk, he had purchased.  The puppy was so much in pain that he was unable to drink milk.  the sadhu kept the puppy in his lap and started dripping milk into his mouth

I asked the sadhu as to what happened to the puppy.  He said – a few minutes before some people came to take bath in Ganges and while reversing their car, they ran over the lower back of the puppy.  I called them but they did not stop even after my calling.

I said – but sir, I think this puppy will die … so much injured !!

Sadhu said – Whatever God wishes !!! But I can not let him die hungry.  God is doing his job and let me do my job.  It is not in my hands to save this puppy but it is in my hands to not let him die empty stomach.  May be this milk will give him enough stregth to survive till 10, when the veterinary hospital opens.  Then I will take him there… may be doctors can save him.

I was shocked !!! .. a man injures the helpless puppy and does not even stop to see his cruel act… and goes home happily thinking he has washed his sins in Ganges.  And there is this poor sadhu who got his first alms of the day.. and instead of eating anything himself… he is trying to feed the injured puppy … and saying that he is doing his duty !!!!

I went to the nearby shop and got tea and some biscuits and giving these to sadhu I requested him to eat something.  He stoically started nibbling the biscuits and drinking the tea… in between pouring milk into the mouth of the puppy .

I never gave alms to beggars and sadhus… but from that day onwards if any sadhu asks for alms I give him 5/10 Rupees… hoping that among those sadhus getting alms from me… may be there is at least one who may be trying to save life of some helpless and injured …!!!!


1983 की सर्दियां थी शायद जनवरी का अंत था । मैं पहली बार विदेश जाने वाला था । विनोद और लक्षमण आये और बोले यार तू बहुत वर्षों के लिए जा रहा है… जाते -2 हमें पहाड़ और बर्फ तो दिखा दे. बस जी अगले दिन शाम को हम बस अड्डे पर थे । अब सवाल था जायें कहां… तो हमने निर्णय लिया जो बस पहले दिखेगी उस पर बैठ कर सोचेंगे । पहली बस सामने आयी पठानकोट की, तो हमने टिकट लिया और पठानकोट वाली बस में बैठ गये । हम बैठना तो चालक के साथ वाली सीट पर चाहते थे, पर वहां कोई और बैठे थे, आगे वाली सिंगल सीट पर एक विदेशी लड़की बैठी थी । हम चालक के बिलकुल पीछे वाली सीट पर बैठ गये और आगे का सोचने लगे । चूकि मैने ही सब निर्णय लेना था, मैने उन्हे बताया कि हम पठानकोट से डलहोज़ी व खजियार जायेंगे, वहां जरूर बर्फ मिल जायेगी । उसके बाद धर्मशाला होकर ज्वाला जी होते हुए वापिस चले जायेंगे ।

बस चलने की तैयारी हो गयी । चालक साहब अंदर आये…. वे ढलती उम्र के रोबदार सरदार जी थे । आते ही उन्होने पाइलट की तरह घोषणा की – देखो भाई गड्डी विच कोइ मुंगफली दे छिलके ना सुट्टे । होर याद रखना कि ऐस बस विच सिगट पीना मना है, जेड़े बंदे नू मैं सिगट बीड़ी पींदया वेख लया, ओनूं बस तो उतार देवांगा । और फिर हमें शक की निगाहों से देखते हुए, गाड़ी आगे बढ़ा दी । उसे लगा होगा ये जवान लफंडर मुंडे जरुर सिगट् पियेंगे ।

 चालक वो लाजवाब थे, बड़ी सावधानी से और तेज चलाते हुए वो जल्द ही हाइवे पर पंहुच गये । धीरे -2 अंबाला भी निकल गया, और हम पंजाब में दाखिल हो गये….अंधेरे में सब सो रहे थे और हम बोर हो रहे थे । अचानक खुदा को हम पर रहम आया और हमारी बोरियत दूर करने का उसने इंतजाम कर दिया ।

हुआ यूं कि आगे वाली सिंगल सीट पर बैठी वो विदेशी कन्या उंघते-2 सोने लगी। आप जानते ही होंगे कि हर बस में ड्राइवर के साथ वाली सीट 1,2 व 3 पर सोना मना होता है । ऐसा इसलिये है कि उन्हें सोता देखकर ड्राइवर को नींद ना आ जाये । तो कन्या को सोता देख, सरदारजी ने एक जबरदस्त ब्रेक लगाई । आधी बस जाग गयी और वो कन्या आगे गिरते-2 बची और एक दम मुस्तैद होकर बैठ गयी. सरदारजी ने उसकी और देख कर कहा – बीबी, अग्गे एक, दो तिन सीटां ते सोना नहीं… जे तैं सोना है ते पिशली सीट ते जा ।

विदेशी कन्या को पंजाबी भाषा तो आती नहीं थी… सो कुछ देर बाद वो फिर खुर्राटे भरने लगी. सरदार जी ने जोर से होरन बजाया… जिन्होने पंजाब रोडवेज के होरन सुने हैं वो समझ सकते हैं… कि क्या हुआ होगा. कन्या फिर उठी और सरदारजी की तरफ देखा…

सरदार जी – ओ बीबी तेनूं किन्नी वरी दस्सां… ऐथे सोना नही

कन्या – O man why are you shouting at me ? what have I done ?

सरदार जी – ओ बीबी उपर वेख (उंगली से उपर दिखाया जहां गुरमुखी भाषा में लिखा था – सीट नं 1,2 अते 3 ते सोना मना है)

कन्या भी इतनी अनपढ़ थी कि उसे पंजाबी तक पढ़नी नहीं आती थी बोली – Dont you think that I am helpless & alone foreigner girl and you can tease me. And drive your fu…g bus and dont look towards me you idiot !!

सरदारजी – ठीक है बीबी हुन ना सोयीं.

सुबह 2-30 का समय था… और इस समय तो नींद अपने पूरे शबाब पर होती है… सो कन्या फिर सो गई… सरदारजी ने एक लकड़ी की पतली व लम्बी सी डंडी (जो शायद डीज़ल नापने के काम आती था ) सीट के नीचे से निकाली और कन्या के सर पर हल्के से मारा… वो जागी, गुस्से से डंडे को हटाया और सिगरेट का पैकेट निकाल कर जलाने लगी.

सरदार जी को तो आग लग गयी, डंडा मार कर उसका पैकेट नीचे गिरा दिया और बोला – बीबी मैं चलन तो पैले ई दस्स दित्ता सी कि सिगट नही पीनी ।

कन्या को कुछ समझ नही आया हो क्या रहा है, और सरदार क्यो पूरी बस में उसके पीछे पड़ा है । हमारी बस जालंधर छोड़ चुकी थी और पठानकोट की तरफ बढ़ रही थी.

कन्या को फिर नींद का झोंका आया, सरदारजी ने फिर उसे डंडे से कुरेदा..  और हम फिर ठहाके मार कर हंसे…ऐसा जब कई बार हुआ, तो वो लड़की ज़ोर -2 से चिल्लाने लगी…you dirty man I am going to call the police.. dont you think I am a stranger here. My boyfriend is waiting for me at Patankot and we will call the police.

अब तक तो हमें इस खेल में मजा आ रहा था… पर अब मुझे लगा कि हस्तक्षेप कर देना चाहिये… आखिर देश की इज्जत का सवाल है..

मैं उस लड़की के पास गया और उसे उठा कर अपनी सीट के पास लाया…इंजन के शोर में ज्यादा बात न कर के , मैने उसे कहा कि वो मेरी सीट पर बैठ जाये और मै उसकी सीट पर चला जाउंगा… वो जैसे ही मेरी सीट पर बैठी विनोद उछल कर उसकी सीट पर बैठ गया… उसकी तो मन मुराद पूरी हो गयी..उसे आगे वाली सिंगल सीट बहुत पसंद थी… सीन देखते हुए जाना.

कुछ देर के बाद गाड़ी एक ढाबे पर रुकी, पाईलट साब ने कहा – गड्डी सिरफ 10 मिंट रुकेगी.. चा शा पी लो ।
अब मैने इतमिनान से उस विदेशी कन्या से बात करी और उसे बताया कि सरदार जी उसे तंग नही कर रहे थे बल्कि उसे सोने से रोक रहे थे… उसे मैने बताया कि आगे की सीटों पर सोना मना है और ये सुरक्षा के लिये है… और बस में सिगरेट पीना भी मना है. वो कन्या जरमनी की थी और पठानकोट अपने साथियों को मिल कर आगे धर्मशाला जाने वाली थी. मेरी बात सुन कर उसे अपनी गलती का अहसास हो गया और वो गाड़ी से नीचे उतर कर टहलने लगी सुट्टा मारते हुए.

तब तक सरदारजी गाड़ी की तरफ आये.. मैने उन्हे बताया कि लड़की को मैने समझा दिया है और अब वो पीछे की सीट पर सोयेगी व सिगट नही पियेगी. कन्या ने सिगरेट फैंकी और सरदार जी को बोला -Sorry guy, forgive me to think that you were teasing me, whereas it was my fault. I am really really sorry ! और एक जबरदस्त जफ्फी डाल दी. सरदारजी की मूंछ फड़कने लगी और वो हंसकर हो हो हो हो करते हुए गाड़ी में आए और गड्डी चला दी.

विदशी जफ्फी का कुछ ज्यादा ही असर हुआ… सरदारजी गुनगुनाते और गाते हुए गड्डी चला रहे थे और पठानकोट तक उनकी मूंछ का फड़कना बंद नही हुआ….हमारा सफर का मज़ा तो दो गुणा हो ही चुका था.

लड़की अपने साथियों की ओर चली और हम चले डलहोज़ी की बस की ओर… न जानते हुए कि मेरे मित्रों की मन मुराद पूरी होने वाली थी…. फुटों बरफ कल रात पड़ चुकि थी और हमारा इंतज़ार कर रही थी ।

( It was winters of 1983…. perhaps end of January.  I was going abroad for the first time.  My childhood friends Laxman & vinod came to me and requested me to take them to a quick Himalayan tour because they had never seen mountains and snow in their life.  Since I would be gone for 3/4 years, I thought this is good opportunity to spend some time with them and fulfill their desire to see the snow.  We decided we will go to the ISBT and see which bus is seen first and then will decide where to go.  when we reached the ISBT, we saw the Pathankot bus so we bought the tickets for Pathankot and boarded the bus, our seats being just behind the driver.  A foreigner girl was sitting on the single seat besides the driver.   I told my friends that we would go to Pathankot and then take a bus to Dalhousie and we would certainly get snow in Dalhousie or Khajiar… and then we would go to Dharamshala and transiting through Jwalaji we would return Delhi.


The bus was ready to move and then the driver entered.  Driver was a grown up, macho-type Sardarji.  As he entered he announced in a loud voice (in Punjabi) – See no one will throw trash in the bus and no one would smoke.  smoking is strictly forbidden in this bus.  Looking askance at us, thinking these vagabonds will surely bread the rules, he started the bus.


He was a perfect driver though…. driving very carefully but fast he took the bus to highway… and slowly we crossed Ambala and entered Punjab.  It was dark inside the bus and everyone was sleeping, except us.  We were bored to the bone, but soon god took pity on us and he arranged to remove our boredom !


It all started with the foreigner girl who started dozing off in  her seat.  In all buses it is forbidden to sleep on the 3 seats besides the driver.  This is a security arrangement so that the driver does not  sleep,  while driving, to see the passengers sleeping.  When Sardarji saw the girl sleeping, he applied a sudden brake.  Half of the passengers slipped off their seats…  the girl almost fell down from her seat.  She woke up,  and sat erect and threw a  smile towards the drivers.  Sardarji in a loud voice told the girl (in Punjabi language) – O lady it is forbidden to sleep here.  If you wish to sleep go to any seat on the back of the bus.


Now the girl did not understand hindi, what to talk of Punjabi….. so after some time she started snoring again.  Sardarji saw her sleeping and sounded the horn continuously.  Those who have heard the loud horns of Punjab Roadways, will understand how many decibels are pierced through our ears.  The Girl woke up again smiled towards sardarji who said (again in punjabi) – O lady how many times I will tell you not to sleep here.

The girl – O man why are you shouting at me ? what have I done ?

Driver (indicating towards a notice up her seat, written in Gurmukhi language) – See here it is written. It is forbidden to sleep at seat Nos 1,2 & 3.


the girl was so illiterate that she did not even know how to read Gurumukhi language.  She shouted back at the driver – Dont you think that I am helpless &  alone foreigner girl and you can tease me. And drive your fu…g bus and dont look towards me you idiot !!

Driver, not understanding what she said, smiled and said – OK lady so you will not sleep here again ! Good


It was 0230 am, a time when slumber can not be controlled…. hence the girl again dozed off.  the driver took a long & thin wooden scale, which they use to measure diesel in the tank,  and tapped the girl on the head.  the girl woke up with a jerk, pushed the rod angrily and took out her cigarette pack to smoke.

Sardarji became very furious, because smoking is against their religion. He knocked her packet down with the rod and angrily said (again in punjabi) – O woman ! I had instructed before that smoking is prohibited on this bus, then why are you smoking ?

The girl was perplexed ! she was unable to understand why this driver is behind her only and why is he teasing her for nothing and speaking in a funny dialects beyond her understanding…. in a supposedly Greek language !  Our bus had crossed Jalandhar and was running towards  Pathankot.

the girl again slept, the driver again tapped her on head with the rod…. and we burst into laughters again.  This kept happening again and then again and then again.

Finally the girl stood up, snatched the rod from sardarji and shouted hysterically -you dirty man I am going to call the police.. dont you think I am a stranger here. My boyfriend is waiting for me at Patankot and we will call the police.

Till now we were enjoying this opera and bursting into laughters…but now I thought it was time for me to intervene, because the things were going out of hands.  I went to the girl, and not explaining much due to engine noise, asked her to come to my seat and sleep there.  She came to my seat and the moment her seat became vacant, Vinod jumped and grabbed it.  vinod always loved to sit on that single seat.

After some time, the bus was stopped at a Dhaba and the Pilot baba announced – Bus will stop for 10 minutes, you people can enjoy tea and snacks if you wish.

Now I explained to the girl that the driver was not actually teasing her, but trying to stop her from smoking and sleeping due to security reasons.  I explained to her that it is forbidden to sleep on front seats and smoking is banned in bus…. .   She was a German, who had to meet her friends at Pathankot and then go to Dharamshala.  She understood the whole matter and feeling sorry stepped down and started strolling, enjoying her long deserved smoking.

The driver came back & I told him that the girl has been explained the situation and now there would be no problem.  The girl threw her cigarette, came to sardarji and said – Sorry guy, forgive me to think that you were teasing me, whereas it was my fault. I am really really sorry !   And then she gave a warm hug to sardarji.  He was quite shocked with the gesture of the girl but started laughing.. and went towards his seat.

The “foreign hug” had an amazing effect on sardarji.  He was humming songs, driving relaxed and was looking romantic.

We reached Pathankot…. the girl bade bye to sardarji, who laughed again…. we went towards the bus going to Dalhousie…

My friends were going to see a lot of snow there….  waiting for our arrival !!!!!)



जाते जाते एक और अदा पर्यटन व घुमक्कड़ी की –

सविता भाभी – (अपनी सहेली से) – भई इस साल तो हम  मनाली नहीं जा रहे

पिछले साल  शिमले नहीं गये थे,

और भगवान ने चाहा तो अगले साल ऩैनीताल नहीं जायेंगे

(in the end… one for the way ! the joy of “Not going” on a travel

Savita (to her friend) – You know ! this year we are not going to Manali.  Last year we didnt go to Shimla

and if God wishes we will not go to Nainital, the next year)

तो इस बार इतना ही… अगली बार मिलते हैं कुछ और खट्टी-मीठी यादों के साथ…..

_/\_ नमस्कार सब को

(all fotos here have been taken from google baba)


  • Bill McReynolds says:

    Great stories. We have “holy men” in the “God business” in Christianity, too. Turn on any TV! I’m glad you found some Sadhus worthy of the name. Keep traveling!

    • Silentsoul says:

      Thanks Mr. Bill McReynolds… Religion is the biggest and the most profitable business now in all religions…

      Be spiritual !! God is like our father and we His children and He communicates directly with us… no holly men really required

  • Mukesh Bhalse says:

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    • Silentsoul says:

      ???????? ???????…??? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ? ??????? ?? ???????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ???????? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??… ?? ???? ???? ??.. ???? ?? ?????? ?? ???. ?????? ?????? ?? ???????? ???? ??… ?? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???… ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???.. ?? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ??????…

      ????? ????-???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????… ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ????? ??.

    • rastogi says:

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  • D.L.Narayan says:

    SS ??
    It is indeed a great privilege to accompany you on your stroll down memory lane. Yes, you are right; during our travels, we do come across some life changing moments as well as some extremely unpleasant moments, too.

    I think that your idea of writing in Hindi and English is a great innovation since there are lots of people here who are not really comfortable with Hindi even though they can speak the language.

    I have just two comments to make:
    ?? ????? ??? (early 70’s), ????? ????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??????????? ?? ?? ??????? ??. ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??. ?? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ????? ??? ?? ?????????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ??.
    ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????. ??? ??? ?? ?? ????? ??….???? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?? ???. ?? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ??. What really matters is the ratio between these two qualities.

    Eagerly waiting for more such memorable tales from the past.

    • Silentsoul says:

      ??????… ?????? … at least replying to you I can recite God’s name :)

      yes you are right about marxism… and your spiritual ways about sadhu or shaitan. both deva and asruas had different mothers but same father…. may mean different set up of mind but same soul.

      thanks for your enlightening views

  • Once again ,

    This series is great Mr. Silent . Every story was indeed spicy in its own ways………………..

    These type of stories happen with everyone , but you are jotting it down for us. Thanks ………..

    Waiting for more……………………………………….

    • Silentsoul says:

      Tks Rathod ji. Yes it happens with everyone that z why I said Travelling is a big teacher. I have travelled a lot,but dont have photos for them… if there are photos the albums are left in India. so I am giving gist of many visit in this way.

      May god bless you

  • Mahesh Semwal says:

    Hindi , English together …:-)

    New style in Ghumakkar. Thanks for making so much of effort.

    Stories were interesting.

  • Kavita Bhalse says:

    ??????? ??? ??,
    ??? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ????????????? ???, ???? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ??? ?? ???????? ??? ?? ??, ?????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ????? ??, ????? ???? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???. ???? ?? ????? ?? ???? ???????????? ???, ???? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ???.


    • Silentsoul says:

      ??????? ? ??????? ????? ??… ??? ???? ????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ????… ????? ???? ???? ??? ???…?? ?? ?????????? ?? ??? ??? ?????.

  • laxman says:

    wo bhooli dansta
    lo phir yaad aa gai.

  • Kavita Bhalse says:

    ??????? ??,
    ???? ?? ??? ???????? ?? ???? ??? ???, ???? ?? ????? ??? ?? ???? ??????????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ???. ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?????, ???? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ???????? ??. ???? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? …. ??? ????? ??? ????. ???? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?? ??? ???.


  • ?????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?????

  • Very interesting read. Memories like these are the only thing to remember our beautiful past. Keep sharing…

  • Ritesh Gupta says:

    S.S. JI


    Kuch aur apni yaden taza ho gayi aapki post padhkar..

    Accha kiya aapne, apni yadeon ke kisse ko hindi aur english dono me likh kar….isse adhik se adhik log apki post ka luft uddayenge…

    aapke pitaji maha ghumakkar the aur aap bhi maha ghumakkar ho. akhir pitaji ke gur bete me to aayenge hi..


  • Neeraj Jat says:

    ???????? ????, ?? ???? ???????? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ???? ?? ???????? ???? ???
    ???? ?? ????? ???, ??????? ??? ???? ???, ?? ???? ????? ??, ?????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ?? ??????? ???- ?? ???? ??? ?? ????? Ashu M. ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????????? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?? ?? Ashu M ??? ??, ?? ???? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?????????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???, ???????? ??? ?? ????? ??????????? ?? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ??, ?????? ?? ??? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??? ????? ?????????? ??, ?? ??? ??? ??? ???????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ?????????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ???
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    ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????????? ?? ????????? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ??????-?????? ????? ?? ?? ????? ?? ???

    • Silentsoul says:

      ??????? ??????. ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? 420 ????? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???????? ??????? ?? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????.

  • Nandan says:

    SS – Brilliant follow-up. Seems that you guys had quite a time in that Punjab Roadways Bus. Though, not sleeping in front rows has been a norm here (at least in the older design buses) but I do not remember ever seeing a instruction. Jhappi always works best. :-)

    You hit it on the nail in the beginning when you talk about tolerance. Traveling exposes us to varied cultures, beliefs, styles, values and in turn makes us more tolerant towards things which are alien to us. This tolerance further builds peace.

    And what a joy to read the comments. Here is mine in the list…. ??? ???? ?? ???? …

    • Silentsoul says:

      Tks Nandanji, In olden times all night service busses had this warning…donno about now. times changed… in our times rail tracks had space in them and we had to answer in exams that due to expanding of rails due to heat, there is a gap.. Now the heat does not expand the tracks ? now all the tracks are welded together.

  • Thanks SS ji, I read your every post and comment too. unfortunately, Idonno where the comments vanish. OK leave it. ‘Youn to hain zamane mein sukhanwar bahut achchay, Kahte hain ki SS (Ghalib) ka hai andaz-e-byan aur. Good Post. Dear, you are very soft hearted which changes with the tiny incidents. Being Dilliwala you must possess a very good experience of such sadhus, swadhus and shaitaans. The incidents with Old mataji at Katra, with saadhu and aghauri at Haridwar are not as bad as happens in routine Dilli. In wait of your next post. Thanks ghumakkar.com

  • Silentsoul says:

    Tks tridev. yr comments are very much there in earlier posts…. keep coming here..

  • Tarun Talwar says:

    Dear Silentsoul Ji,

    What a series this is turning out to be. Absolute and unadulterated delight. Thanks for sharing.

  • Kanupriya says:

    the puppy story brought tears to my eyes

  • Manish Khamesra says:

    ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ??| I felt proud about such strict drivers and I am happy that you took pain to explain it to the German girl. Traveling in bus used to be a nightmare for me because of people enjoying cigarettes and bidis.

    • SilentSoul says:

      tks Manish for yr comments

    • Khamesra Sahab, ye hat bhale hi na hatao magar chehra to oopar karo, esa lagta hai kisi church ke father ne hat pahan rakha hai.

      • Manish Khamesra says:


        On my comments though my face is not visible, but I am present in many of my posts. My wife generally have prettier face (read my kids) to take pictures off. So many a times after our trip, I realize that I have not been covered at all. Luckily my elder kid has started to take photographs and he is ok with not so pretty faces as well. So these days sometimes I get clicked too :-)

      • Manish Khamesra says:


        On my comments though my face is not visible, but I am present in many of my posts. My wife generally have prettier face (read my kids) to take pictures of. So many a times after our trip, I realize that I have not been covered at all. Luckily my elder kid has started to take photographs and he is ok with not so pretty faces as well. So these days sometimes I get clicked too :-)

  • Rajesh sigh says:

    excellent, but i like the savita bhabhi joke most.

  • rastogi says:

    ??? ??? ?? ? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ???, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ???

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