Shree Gajanan Maharaj – Shegaon

With inspired by Ghumakkar parivar, I want to share my travelling experience with all who mostly travels & like to visit religious places. This is my first blog on Ghumakkar & sharing my small trip at Shree Gajanan Maharaj – Shegaon, with my Friends[Ganesh, Swapnil & Sagar].



Trip was fixed when I was coming back from office by Local Train in the month of December 2012 & in train one of the co-passenger given Laddu as a Prasad from Shree Gajanan Maharaj – Shegaon, as it was his native place & he visit regularly. On the same time we decided to go for the Darshan of Shree Gajanan Maharaj in Shegaon & other 3 friends to agree and now date to be fixed for the trip, finally we decided to visit in the Month of January 2013 from 25th January to 28th January, 2013 and accordingly we have booked Railway ticket on the next day & we have got the confirm Ticket too.. Jai Gajanan Maharaj… Gan Gan Ganat Bote

Day 1 – 25 January, 2013
As decided the day has come when we have to start the journey, as agreed we all meet at Kalyan Station, Platform No. 3 at 10.00pm, as train leaves at 10.45pm, we have booked ticked in 18029 – LTT Shalimar Express & train has come on time & leave Kalyan Station as schedule. It was our first time we were visiting at Shegaon, so everyone was so happy.

Due to 3day holiday all compartment was over crowded by the passenger & too much noise coming in compartment, every one where in holiday mood. We decided to go for sleep, as next day it will be long day for us & as the time goes, slowly & slowly all light where off & only passage emergency light was on, it was the winter night, cold climate, so we have to wear some warm clothes & we got a good sleep.

Day 2 – 26th January, 2013
Nearly 4clock we heard some noise from nearby compartment, they were the college group going for the trip & was in full holiday mood, passing funny jokes & too much masti. It’s time for us to wake up and enjoy masti with them & have some hot Tea. As time was going so fast and it’s time for us to depart from train, as train was on schedule & reached Shegaon Station at 7.10 am, climate was very beautiful.

As we depart from train we have to move fast to come out from the station & to catch Bus parked near the station, as we come out bus has just come & we were the first to board in bus. Slowly & slowly bus was full & move towards Bhakta Niwas, as bus Started noise has come….. Bolo Gajanan Maharaj Ki jai… Gan Gan Ganat Bote and every once support the voice & we too.

Free Bus Services at Shegaon

Free Bus Services at Shegaon

Free Bus Service at Shegaon by Sansthan

Bus service is free and run by the Shree Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan, frequency of the bus is very good & it’s in every 10 to 15 minutes from station and it drop in Bhakta Niwas 5 & 6, which is near to Temple. From Station to Bhakta Niwas it’s around 1.5km. From railway station Auto can be easily get & they charge Rs 10/- per seat (on sharing basis) from Railway Station to Near to Bhakta Niwas 5&6. Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

Before we move ahead, let know something about Shegaon, Shree Gajanana Maharaj & Shree Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan.

|| Shegaon ||

Shegaon is located in Maharashtra state in Khamgaon Teshil sub- Division of Buldhana District in Amravati Region in India. Shegaon Tehsil has area of 436 Square km and 95 village come under these & which has a population around 125,000. Geography it is located 20.7833° N latitude & 76.6833° E longitude. It is located 600kms East of Mumbai and 316kms West of Nagpur.

Shegaon is blessed by Saint Shree Gajanan Maharaj and it has been believe & fame of devotees that Shree Gajanan Maharaj is alive & has a miraculous powers, due to which it’s a hub for pilgrimage. Shegaon has a good education Place too. It has a good Engineering college, along with 10 Schools and 4 Junior colleges & Engineering College is considered as one of the best Engineering College & which gives best Engineers of the Amravati University.

It is well connected by Central Railway on Mumbai – Nagpur – Howrah Main line route & many trains have a stoppage at Shegaon Station. Nearly Climate is cool in winter i.e November to February and Hot during Summary i.e March to June. …. Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

|| Shree Gajanan Maharaj ||

Shree Gajanan Maharaj Shegaon

Shree Gajanan Maharaj Shegaon

Shree Gajanan Maharaj

Saint was first seen in Shegaon on 23rd February, 1878. He was first seen eating left over grain of rice from a plate of leaves that was thrown out as waste
food & he drink water from cattle which was unclean and went away – by Bankatlala & Damodar from Shegaon.

Gajanan Maharaj Eating Food

Gajanan Maharaj Eating Food

Shree Gajanan Maharaj 1st Seen Eating Food at Shegaon

After some day he was seen near Mahadev Mandir by Bankatlala & Pitambara & they have given Besan – Bhakar & after eating he gave jug to Pitambara & asked him to bring water to drink.

On same night Kirtan at Mahadev mandir was arranged by Govind buwa and he started Shlok from Bhagwat Geeta, as soon as he completed & explained meaning of the first part of Shlok & Shree Gajanan Maharaj setting near Lemon Tree chanted fluently the line of Second part of Shlok and he was constantly chanting “Gan Gan Ganat Bote ……. & from that day he was given the name “Gajanan Maharaj”

A wish of two Brahmins of Balapur has been fulfilled by Maharaj, Balkrishna & his wife Putalabai were devotes of Shree Samarth Ramdas, and every year they use to go for Darshan at Sajjangada by foot. But due health & age problem there were not able to visit Sajjangada that year. Shree Samarth Ramdas come in Dream of Balkrishna and tell him that he has not visited sajjangada, so he will visit his house in Balapur, and as said by Shree Smarth Ramadas, Shree Gajanan Maharaj has appeared before him…. Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

Once Bankatlala went to eat corns with his friend in his farm & he took Shree Gajanan Maharaj with him, fire was made to roast the corn. There was Honey combs on the tree near by fire & which was disturbed & they have attacked on them, Bankatlala & his friend run away from there but Shree Gajanan Maharaj does not run, all bees covered him completely. After some time all been has run away and Bankatlala & his friend come to help Shree Gajanan Maharaj & request to call gold smiths from picking stings from the Body. Maharaj has done “Kumbha Yoga” and all the people saw that all the stings come out from all over body & all Acknowledged Shree Gajanan Maharaj as “Siddha Yoga” ….Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

Thereafter as time passed by, several people start to know him, Devotees start to give him good food, clothes etc. but he never use to take them, he use to eat anywhere & leave the place he got. He was doing so many unusual things which were just a miracle, he helped the helpless, he brought water to dry well, he ordered birds like cows to behave properly, he gave advice the devotees, he have save the life of devotees. He has shown a correct path & direction to devotees.

Several Such events are mentioned in the Holy book “Shri Gajanan Vijay Granth” in 21 Chapters.

Shree Gajanan Maharaj after blessing so may devotees, decided himself to leave from earth and decided date & place for Samadhi. The date was 8th September, 1910 and Shree Gajanan Maharaj Temple to be built on the Samadhi.

As on today also those how come here with some purpose in mind, always went home satisfied. It is called as “Pandharpur” of Vidarbha. On Thursday is being the holy day of Shree Gajanan Maharaj & weekends witness huge crowds from all over Maharashtra. …. Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

|| Shree Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan ||

As per Instruction of Shree Gajanan Maharaj, Construction of Temple began in 1909, to look after day to day activities, selected people where required & for that “Shree Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan” was established on 11th April 1909, with the blessing of Shree Gajanan Maharaj. To run the Sansthan trustee were appointed & First president was Shree Hari Kukji Patil from 1909 to 1930 & presently since 2008 onward Dr Rameshchandra Chamalal Dangra is the President of Shree Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan.

Shree Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan is function best because of the relentless effort of the members of Borad of Trustee, the Priests, the mansevis & the Sevadharis.

The Board of Trustee has fixed some rules in presences of Shree Gajanan Maharaj of which some are as below:

Devotee will worship from a distance,
Do not amass wealth,
Do not stop the influx of devotees

Shree Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan strictly follows the principle laid down by Shree Gajanan Maharaj, since Money is not the priority of the Sansthan, the main objective of Sansthan is “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhenah” [May All Be Happy].

Sansthan Presently has taken 42 differences Project in the field of Education, medical, social welfare & spiritual Development, apart from managing day to day activities of Mandir. Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

It was a short introduction about the Shegaon, Shree Gajanan Maharaj & Shree Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan.

After Travelling 1.5 km, finally we reached the holly place & bus drooped near Bhakta Niwas 5&6, as it was near to Temple. Now it’s time for us to look for accommodation, In Shegaon there is good accommodation facilities by Sansthan near Temple & there is no advance booking system, here system is first come first service & no recommendation required.

Bhakta Niwas

Bhakta Niwas

Bhakta Niwas 5 & 6
Due to continuous holiday there was too much rush & there was a long queue in Bhatka Niwas 5&6 and they were in queue from last evening & still room was not allotted to them, we were so surprised & in tension too. After enquiring with Sevak, he advise us to check in Bhakta Niwas 1&2, which is near to temple and u may get the room there, we move to Bhakta Niwas 1&2 & there was less people in queue compare to Bhakta Niwas 5&6, we decided to stand in queue with the hope that we can get room, it was already 8.30 am and my number was 21st, line was moving very slow, as an when room was vacant & room was allotted to the person in line, while chatting in queue we were surprised to know that they allot accommodation to family only. Know what to do?? One person from queue advises us to contact Sansthan office & they will help you.

Sansthan office was located in Bhakta Niwas 5&6, we approached there and requested for the room, they advise us that they are not allotting room without family, only dormitory can be given which also full, after requesting they advise us to go at Anand Vihar & given us a slip which we have to show there, Anand Vihar is 3 kilometer away from the Temple.

We decided let have breakfast, in Bhakta Niwas 5&6, Sansthan run dining facilities with the nominal charges.

Dining Facilities

Dining Facilities

Dining Facilities at Bhakta Niwas

There was Free Bus service from Bhakta Niwas 5&6 to Ananad Vihar, as it’s was already 11.10am, we catch Bus and reached to Ananad Vihar, as we entered the main gate of Anand Vihar we were surprised as it was just like a Luxurious holiday resort. Bus drops us near office, we approached to office & they advise us to stand in queue & when your number will come u will get the room. With the hope we were in queue & our waiting number was 16, comparatively less then bhakti Niwas.

Anand Vihar

Anand Vihar

Ananad Vihar

Finally at 1.00pm we got the room, they have allotted 3 bed Room for 24hrs and charged Rs. 600/- . We were happy and it can be seen in every face, after struggling we have got the room…..wowowoowowwo… Room can be getting easily here, but due to continuous holiday including Sunday, there was too much rush. ….Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

Waiting place at Ananad Vihar

Waiting place at Ananad Vihar

Waiting place at Anand Vihar for accommodation allotment

Before we move ahead, let have some information about Accommodations Facilities by Shree Gajanan Sansthan.

Day by day increasing number of devotees in Shegaon, Sansthan has provided well Maintained Accommodation facilities, with 2 beds, 3 beds, 4 beds, 6 bedded. They has built Two “Bhakta Niwas” building near to Mandir with 161 rooms, just distance of 5 Minutes from there they have Built 417 Rooms in “Bhakta Niwas” with includes A/c & Non A/c rooms. Due to increasing number of devotees, Sansthan has decided to build more Lodging facility, which is around 3km from Mandir called “Anand Vihar” in which around 900 rooms is there and another complex which was built near to Anand Vihar known as “Anand Sagar Visava” in which around 5000 devotees can be with accommodated & have dormitory facilities too.

Accomodation at Anand Vihar

Accomodation at Anand Vihar

Accommodation at Ananad Vihar

There is no advance booking system, room are available “First come First Server” basis. Charges for the accommodation are nominal. They give room for 24hours & that can be extended for another 24hours. Devotees can make the telephone enquiries as they come near the Shegaon.

In Shegaon easily you can get hotel and lounging facilities, but it’s too expensive compare to Sansthan room, for small room they charged from 700 to 1800 depending upon the crowd.

Anand Vihar

Anand Vihar

Ananad Vihar

Let go ahead with journey, as we have been allotted room in Ananad Vihar. Ananad Vihar is just like a Luxurious holiday resort type, Room where clean with attached washroom. Hot water facilities is also there outside the room, its timing was Moring 4am to 9am. All area in Ananad Vihar was greenery & beautiful sculptures & landscaping was done & you cannot see any piece of paper lying in ground and around.

Accomodation at Ananad Vihar

Accomodation at Ananad Vihar

Accommodation at Ananad Vihar & view from room

It’s was already 1.20pm, after fresh we have decided to go for lunch, In Every Bhakta Niwas , Ananad Vihar, Ananad Sagar & Ananad Sagar Visava they have dining facilities, the charges are very nominal. Timing for lunch was from 11am to 2pm. The quality of food was good & the charges was just Rs. 45/- & Rs. 25/- for unlimited food.

Food At Anand Vihar

Food At Anand Vihar

Dining Facilities at Ananad Vihar

Tea & coffee vending machines were installed in every building ground floor and sevaks were there to assist & to collect charges.
After lunch we decided to go Ananad Sagar. Because we have to do Abhishek in Mandir, which is done in Morning from 5am to 7am only, so it’s was time to move towards Ananad Sagar, it was around 1.5km from Ananad Vihar & we have done Auto, which has charged Rs. 10/- per seat. Free Bus is running between Bhakta Niwas to Ananad Sagar regularly.

Anand Sagar

Anand Sagar

Ananad Sagar

I will share Ananad Sagar information will be in my next blog…….

After enjoying full day at Ananad Sagar we decided to go for Darshan, there was free bus service from Ananad Sagar to Bhakta Niwas, but there was a big queue for free bus & as we were too much tired after full day roaming in Ananad Sagar, so we decided to take auto & auto has charged Rs 20/- per seat.
As we reached near temple, there was big queue for Darshan, so we decided to have “Mukh Darshan” in which there were fewer devotees in queues. After an hour we have done Darshan. After Darshan we have taken Abhishek Receipt for tomorrow morning, which was in the temple premises & it will save time in morning, receipt can be taken in morning also as counter open early in morning.

Shegaon Mandir

Shegaon Mandir

Main Mandir Gate & surrounding

After that have dinner at Bhakta Niwas 5&6 and move toward Room at Anand Vihar & we were so tired that as we went on bed, we never know when we went for sleep. As we have to weak up at 4.15am for Abhishek. Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

Day 3nd – 27th January, 2013
At 4.15 am Alarm ring & one by one we were ready by 5.00am, we were waiting for Bus at Bus stop in Ananad Vihar and around 5.20am Bus has come & droop us near Bhakta Niwas 5&6.

Day to Day Activities of Temple
Kakda Aarti – 5.00 am
Madhyanaha Aarti – 11.00 am
Sanja Aarti – at Sunset
Shejaarti – 9.00 pm
Abhishek – 5.00 am to 7.00 am
Chaturthi Pooja on Chaturthi days- 8.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Mahaprasad (Free of cost)-11.00 am to 1.00 pm

After some time we reached Temple & search for the place where Abhishek to be done. Finally we reach the place & it was in the same premises back side of Samadhi Temple. Abhishek is done for the group of people together & we were the one of them. It was already 6.00 & it take around 20 to 25 Minutes for Abhishek .

Place near Shegaon Mandir

Place near Shegaon Mandir

Handmade toy’s selling in market & some student at 26th January Pared

After doing Abhishek of Maharaj Paduka, we decided to stand in queue for Darshan, there was no VIP entrance or any special Darshan entrance for those who gives big donation everyone has be stand & come in the same queue.

There was a hug halls built with proper ventilation and air cooling, queue arrangement was in such a way that there was benches on one side so that devotees can sit & take rest while in queue. Washrooms facilities are also there in halls. Drinking water facilities is also there in hall. In hall there was pictures/Photo hang on the wall of Shree Gajanan Maharaj, with some message on them.

Free tea facilities were there for devotees. Queue was moving very slow & for helping there was sevak everywhere & devotees were chatting …. Gan Gan Ganat Bote , …. Gan Gan Ganat Bote , Gajanan Maharaj Ki jai……..

As line was moving very slow, at around 8.30 am we were in front of Shree Gajanan Maharaj Samadhi place. We have Darshan at Samadhi Mandir & we have taken Darshan at Shree Ram Temple, Shree Hanuman Temple & Shiv Temple. We seat some time in temple & done Darshan of small temples build in the Temple premises. read Holy Book of Shree Gajanan Maharaj, after finished Holy book we again gone for Darshan in the “Mukh Darshan” queue & with in 15minutes we have done the Darshan. We have done 5 pradakshinas after Darshan & done some donation for Annadan. Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

After Darshan we have come at Bhakta Niwas 5&6 for Break Fast & again went in Temple to around 10.45am we were standing in the queue for Maha Prasad & which start’s from 11.00am till 1.00pm. After Maha Prasad we decided to go at room & take some rest.

It’s was 1.00apm we have vacant room, so we start packing & check out from room. Still we have some time as our train was at 6.40pm from Shegaon Station.

Waiting for bus at Anand Vihar

Waiting for bus at Anand Vihar

Waiting for Bus at Bus stop in Anand Vihar

We decided roam near Temple & do some shopping, after chatting with Sevak we come to know that nearby there is place called “ Shri Shetra Nagzari” which was 7km away from Temple & without wasting time we taken Mini door & which charged as Rs10/- per seat from Bhakta Niwas 5&6 near temple.

Tempo ride towards Gomaji Maharaj

Tempo ride towards Gomaji Maharaj

Tempo ride from Shegaon to Nagzari

In Nagzari there is a Samadhi temple of Shree Gomaji Maharj & temple of Shri Nageshwar.

Gomaji Maharaj Temple

Gomaji Maharaj Temple

Shree Gomaji Maharaj Temple – Nagzari

Place Near Gomaji Maharaj Temple

Place Near Gomaji Maharaj Temple

Place near Shree Gomaji Maharaj Temple& local people

After Darshan we rush to Shegaon at it was already 5.00pm & we reached station at 6.00pm, on the way we purchase some “Kachori” from Sharma Kachori” nearby station, which was really tasty & famous. We packed some to take home & Reach station. We have booked Return ticket in 18030- Shalimar LTT Express from Shegaon Station, which Depart from Shegaon at 6.40pm, we board Train & as train was on time, we have dinner at Bhusaval Station where train has stoppage for 5 minutes it has come at 8.40 pm …….. Next Morning we reach Kalyan Station at 3.40am.

Memorable Journey Mixed Photo

Memorable Journey Mixed Photo

Memorable Journey Mixed Photos

As it was a memorable journey, which cannot be forgettable & in these way we have finished our small trip of Shree Gajanan Maharaj… Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

Before I end my blog, want to summarize the things which will help you to plan your trip at Shegaon.

1. Please try to make travel plan on odd day such as Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday when you will find less rush at Shegaon & you can take Darshan peacefully. On Thursday & weekend there is always rush.
2. While travelling at Shegaon – Train is the best way to reach, From Shegaon Station to Temple there is free bus Service provided by the Sansthan on regular basis & you can also hire Auto @ Rs. 10/- per seat, which runs 24 hours.
3. As you reach near Bhakta Niwas, you will find agent roaming around & they will try to convince you for lodging outside the Bhakta Niwas, please never pay attention to them & Check the status at Bhakta Niwas, as Sansthan has lot of room for devotees.
4. After you do Darshan of Shree Gajanan Maharaj, please do Darahan of Ram Temple & Hanuman Temple & Apply “Angara” Near hanuman Temple.
5. Try to have Mahaprasad, which begins after the Aarti.
6. For Food use dining facilities provided by Sanstha, were you will get good quality food & at reasonable rate.
7. For Ananad Sagar at least you should spare 6 to 7 hours.
8. Try to have “Kachori” which is famous in Shegaon.

Lastly thanks for reading & if I have missed something please update me also….. … Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

In my next blog I will be sharing information about Ananad Sagar – Shegaon


  • Saurabh Gupta says:

    Welcome to the Ghumakkar family Mr. Agarwal.

    It’s totally unknown place for me but information given by you is really informative for everyone. You have tried to show maximum photograph in collage.

    Can be understood your problem for searching the accommodation but finally you got.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Ramakant Agrawal Ji…………Welcome to the Ghumakkar family.
    A very detailed information and presentation of Picture was also good.
    Thanks for sharing..

  • Abhee K says:

    Hello Ramakant ji

    Welcome to Ghumakkar.very detailed and nice post with good pictures.
    As i stayed at Maharashtra and mumbai I know about Shegaon , Amravati and nearby places.Subah subah GAjanan Maharaj ke darshsan karke accha laga.
    Waiting for next.
    Keep travelling , keep writing.

  • Very Informative Post !

  • Nandan Jha says:

    Welcome aboard Ramakant.

    I think Mukesh wrote another very good log on Shegaon long time back. I have huge respect for these societies which help in nation building and are not into a lot of ceremony-gimmicks. Thank for you sharing this experience with us and spreading these good things to wider audience.

  • Rakesh Bawa says:

    Nice post Ramakant Ji about a place virtually unknown to me but your post has kindled a desire to visit it sometime.

    • Ramakant Agrawal says:

      Rakesh Ji..
      Thanks for the comment.
      Once you visit Shegaon, you will feel to visit it again & again….
      .. Jai Gajanan Maharaj.. Gan Gan Ganat Bote

  • Nirdesh Singh says:

    Hi Ramakant,

    Welcome to Ghumakkar!

    Nice post with nicely done photo collages.

    All I want to see in Buldhana is the the Lonar crater lake created by asteroid impact. Next time I am there will definitely have Shree Gajanan Maharaj’s darshan!

  • Ramakant Agrawal says:

    Dear Devotees,

    Below is some of the important contact number of Shre Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan, Shegaon.

    Shri Mandir – 07265-252018/252251
    Anand Vihar – 07265-252019
    Anandsagar Visawa – 07265-253018
    Bhaktaniwas Sankul Mandir Parisar – 07265-252018
    Bhaktaniwas Sankul Hattikhana Parisar – 07265-252699
    Web Page :

    If you have more queries please free to ask or call 9967594328 @ your service

    Gan Gan Ganat Bote

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