1 जुलाई के संपादकीय में विभा जी ने कुछ मूलभूत आवश्यकताएं बताई जो एक घुमक्कड़ को पता हों तो घूमने का मज़ा बढ़ जाता है। DL ने भी कल बहुत महत्व की बातें बताई जो एक अच्छा घुमक्कड़ बनने के लिये जरुरी है । विभाजी ने सुरक्षा को सबसे पहले माना और यह बहुत हद तक ठीक है…हम कहीं भी जायें अपनी व दूसरों की सुरक्षा सबसे पहले होनी चाहिये…
Vibha in her Editorial of 1st July, talked about some skills required to be learnt by travellers. DL also gave some very important aspects of ghumakkari. Vibha first talked of security, and it was very wise of her to have kept security at number one… not only our security, but security of others too.
दुख की बात यह है कि जब से घुमक्कड़ी बढ़ी है, सुरक्षा को अधिकतर लोग तरजीह नही देते…. गाड़ी ली बच्चे बीवी लादे गाड़ी पर और चल दिये हिमालय पर.. दिल्ली की सड़कों की तरह गाड़ी चलाते है पहाड़ों पर..न अपनी जान की चिन्ता न दूसरों की। और उल्लेखनीय ये है कि केवल युवा ही नही हर आयू के लोग लापरवाही बरतते है और अपनी और दूसरों की जान को खतरे में डालते है।
It is quite unfortunate that now more and more people are travelling, but security has been forgotten. Maruti culture has spoiled people, they just purchase care, dump families in car, and straight head towards Himalayas, without learning the basic skills of hill driving. Such people drive cars in Himalayas as if they are driving in the streets of Delhi and put theirs and others lives at risk.
Those going to hills must remember some basic things (although many of these things are applicable at other places too).
पहाड़ो पर जाने वाले घुमक्कड़ों को कुछ मूलभूत बाते याद रखनी चाहियें ..(हालांकि इनमे से कई बात हर जगह पर लागू होती है.)
1- ट्रैफिक के नियमों का सख्ती से पालन जरुरी है… हिमालय में गलती कोई दुबारा नही कर सकता क्योकि पहली गलती ही मौत ला सकती है । खास तौर पर गति सीमा का पालन बहुत जरूरी है…गति सीमा ऐसे ही नही बना दी जाती, बल्कि सड़क की स्थिति, सड़क का कोण, सड़क की ढलान व गाड़ियों की संख्या…इन सब को ध्यान मे रख कर गति सीमा निर्धारित की जाती है अतः उसका पालन हमारी व दूसरों की सुरक्षा के लिये बहुत जरुरी है ।
– We must obey the traffic laws, specially the speed limit. Speed Limit is not just a sign board put by governments on roads. A lot of research is done before. Condition of road, volume of traffic, gradient of the road and slant of the road and turning angles of the road are taken into consideration before fixing speed limits… so crossing that limit is dangerour for you and for others. It is said that mistake done on Himalayan roads may be last.. because first mistake may be fatal.
2- पहाड़ी ड्राइविंग के 2 मूल सिद्धांत हमेशा याद रखें.. एक अपने लेन में रहे… मैने देखा है अधिकतर मैदान के लोग पहाड़ी मोड़ो पर दूसरे लेन पर लेजाकर गाड़ी मोड़ते है… अब अगर सामने से दूसरी गाड़ी अचानक आ जाये तो टक्कर कोई नही बचा सकता। नं. 2 … जो गाड़ी नीचे से उपर आ रही है उसका हक पहला है.. आप उसे काफी रास्ता दें व ऐसे गाड़ी चलायें कि उसे कहीं भी रुकना न पड़े… अगर आपको लगता है कि नीचे जगह कम है तो आप थोड़ा उपर रुक कर उसे जाने दें.
– There are two basic principals of hill driving (1) always be in your lane. I have seen many times that drivers from plains, always cross over to oncoming lanes specially on turns and if there is suddenly another vehicle from the other side, crash is sure. Second point is that the vehicles coming uphill always have first priority. We must respect their right, give them proper side so that they need not brake because of us. If you see there is less space downhill, you must stop at a place where there is sufficient place to pass.
3- किसी भी मोड़ पर दूसरी गाड़ी को ओवरटेक न करें… अंजाम सदा भयानक ही होगा जरा ये विडियो क्लिप देखिये
– Never ever overtake other vehicles on a turning… the result is always fatal… just have a look at this small clip.
4- शराब पीकर कभी गाड़ी न चलायें… ये सीधे मौत को दावत देना है
– Drinking and Driving are never to be mixed…it is simply an invitation to death.
5- भरे हुए ट्रक वाले भारत में सबसे अच्छे ड्राइवर होते है…अगर आप उनसे तमीज से हार्न बजा कर (ना कि उसका जीना हराम करके)…साइड मांगे तो वो आपको बाकयदा हाथ से इशारा देकर …ये सुनिश्चित कर के कि सामने से कोई गाड़ी नही आ रही… आपको आगे निकलने के लिये रास्ता देंगे । अतः एक बार उससे साइड मांग कर शराफत से पीछे चलते रहे… जबतक वो इशारा न दे
– The drivers of loaded trucks are the best driver in India. They obey traffic rules and care for others. If you have to overtake such a vehicle always ask for side by giving horn once or by dippers ( not troubling him too much by continuously giving horn and irritating him). Whenever he finds that there is sufficient place to overtake and there is no vehicle coming from the other side… he would give you hand sign to overtake.
6- पहाड़ों में लोकल जीपों वाले व खासकर सामान ढोने वाली जीप चलाने वाले … काफी बदतमीज होते हैं तथा बड़ी खतरनाक ड्राईविंग करते हैं..उनसे कभी होड़ न करे व अगर वो सामने से तेजी से आ रहा है तो थोड़ी साइड दे कर जाने दे
– The most dangerous and careless drivers in hills are of local jeeps, specially those which are used for carrying goods. They drive fast, ruthlessly and without caring for others. When ever you find such driver, never compete with him just give him enough side to pass. Even stopping and letting him go would be safer…
7- लोकल लोगो के रीति रिवाजों का आदर करें व उनसे बेवजह उलझें नहीं…मैने दिल्ली से गई पूरी बारात को पिटते हुए सुना है, लोकल लोगो द्वारा (कहानी आगे बताउंगा)
– Respect the customs of the local people and do not argue unnecessarily with them. I have seen a whole marriage party being beaten by locals (story later)
8- रास्ते में पड़ने वाले झरनों का पानी सीधा कभी न पियें… उपर पता नहीं झरना कहां से आ रहा है व जानवरों ने पानी गंदा किया होगा, या उसमें हानिकारक रसायन अथवा बीमारी लाने वाले बैक्टीरीया हो सकते हैं… साथ में क्लोरीन की गोली रखें व छान कर व क्लोरीन मिला कर ही पानी पियें । हां यदि सामने ही दिख रहा है कि बरफ से पानी सीधा नीचे गिर रहा है तो उसे पिया जा सकता है. बरफ अधिकतर शुद्ध ही होती है।
– Never drink the water of waterfalls… the water may be contaminated with dead body or excreta of animals, or it may contain harmful chemicals or may be infected with bacteria. Keep chlorine tablets with you. Drink water only by filtering it through a fine cloth and after chlorinating it. If you can see the snow above and water falling directly from there…then it can be consumed.
9- जंगली जानवरों से छेड़-छाड़ न करें… जरूरी नहीं कि शेर ही आदमी को मार सकता है….बंदर या लोमड़ी या ऐसे ही किसी साधारण जानवर के काटने से भी रैबीज़ हो सकता है… यहां तक कि एक हिरन भी आदमी को मार सकता है… तो जंगली जानवरों से बचें. जंगल में जा रहे है तो जोर से बाते करते हुए या गाना गाते हुए चलें ताकि जानवर स्वंय ही दूर रहें….अचानक सामने आजाने पर कोई भी जानवर खासकर भालू अवश्य हमला कर देता है
Never take wild animals for granted. Lion kills, bears kill but even some common animals like foxes and monkey can cause Rabbies. Even an innocent looking deer can kill a person…so always be on alert. If you are crossing a forest talk loudly or sing because most of the animal attacks are due to sudden surprise factor, specially beers. Listening your voice, most of the animals would change their course.
10- प्यास मिटाने के लिये कभी बरफ न खायें … ये सीधा hypothermia और High Altitude sickness को दावत देना है.
– Never eat snow to quench your thirst. Eating ice when you are thirsty is a direct invitation to Hypothermia and High Altitude Sickness.
11- ढलान पर चलते हुए हमेशा गाड़ी 2 या 3 गियर में रखें… किसी उंचाई पर चढ़ने के लिये जिस गियर की आवश्यकता होती है उसी गियर में गाड़ी उतारना हमेशा सुरक्षित होता है. भूल कर भी ढलान पर गाड़ी बंद न करें…आजकल की नई गाड़ियों में तो स्टियरिंग व ब्रेक इंजन से ही चलते हैं…. हमारे इलाके के कुछ युवा मसूरी के पास चल रहे थे व उतराई पर गाड़ी बंद कर दी ताकि पेट्रोल बचे.. … कुछ दूर जाते ही चाबी हाथ मे निकल आई व गाड़ी का स्टियरिंग लाक लग गया…भाग्य अच्छा था कि गाड़ी खाई की ओर न जाकर पहाड़ से टकरा कर रुक गई।
– While going downhill keep the car in 2nd or 3rd gear…normally which ever gear is required to go uphill on that slant, the same gear must be used for going downhill. Never ever kill the engine on slopes because the steering and brake system of most of the cars is run by engines. Some boys from our area once off the engine while coming down hill… may be to save petrol and then the key came out and the steering locked. Luckily their car turned towards hill and crashed into it saving their lives.
12- जोर-2 से स्टिरियो न बजाएं… हारन की आवाजं सुनाई नही देगी, तथा दिमाग भी उलझा रहेगा…. छोटे नाले को पार करते समय विशेष ध्यान रखें.. एक फुट गहरा पानी भी अगर तेज चल रहा है तो गाड़ी को खीच ले जा सकता है..कुछ वर्ष पहले उ.प्र, का एक विधायक हरिद्वार के पास कहीं जल धारा अम्बैसडर गाड़ी से पार कर रहा था पानी अधिक गहरा नहीं था… पर वो जल धारा गाड़ी को घसीट कर अपने साथ बहा ले गयी व गाड़ी के सब लोग मारे गये… जल की गहराई भी परावर्तन के कारण कम दिखाई देती है….यानि पानी अगर 1 फुट गहरा दिख रहा है तो 2 फुट गहरा होगा.
– Never listen to the music at high volume, as it may hinder the voice of horns of other cars also it would keep mind engrossed in music. Be extra careful while crossing small streams. Even half a foot deep water, if running fast, may drag your car. Some years ago an Ambassador car of an MP was swept into a small stream and all those in car were killed. Water will be double deeper than what it looks due to refraction..so a one foot deep water will actually be 2 feet deep.
13- बच्चों का विशेष ध्यान रखें.. गाड़ी में अगर child safety lock तो अवश्य लगायें… शीशे बंद रखें ताकि बच्चा बाहर कुछ फैंक न सके जिससे पिछली गाड़ी वाले को नुकसान हो जाये.. बच्चे बंदर की तरह होते है और सफर में तो वो बुरी तरह बोर हो कर कुछ भी हरकत कर सकते है जिससे उन्हे नुकसान पंहुचे…जरा ये छोटा सा विडीयो क्लिप देखिये ..कैसे छोटी बच्ची चलती कार से भरे ट्रैफिक के बीच गिर पड़ी…
Take extra care of the little kids. Always use child safety locks to avoid accidental opening of doors. Keep the doors of the car closed so that kids do not through out anything. Never leave children unattended or unwatched. See this little clip.
14- जहां भी सफर पर जा रहे है.. आवश्यक दवाएं साथ जरुर रखें
– Always keep necessary medicines with you, while travelling.
15- आभूषण व मंहगी वस्तुएं बदमाशों को आपकी तरफ आकर्षित करती है… कभी भी जेवर, मंहगी घड़ी न पहनें…आप सफर पर जा रहे है नाकि अपनी अमीरी की नुमाइश करने
– Never wear golden jewellery or costly watches etc…as this may attract anti-social elements. We are going to travel, not to show our richness.
16- अगर ढलान पर गाड़ी खड़ी करनी है तो उलटी तरफ गाड़ी को गियर में डालें… यानि अगर ढलान पीछे है तो पहला गियर और अगर ढलान आगे है तो रिवर्स गियर… खाली हैंड ब्रेक से काम नही चलता…और अगर ढलान बहुत ज्यादा है तो पहिये के आगे पत्थर जरुर रखें.
– If you have to park the vehicle at a slanting road, hand brake alone is not sufficient. Always keep the car in gear…. reverse gear if the slant is straight towards the car and first gear if the slanting is on the back. If the slope is steep, always keep big stone against the wheels.
17- हिमालय में बहुत से ऐसे फूल है जिनकी सुगंध से व्यक्ति बेहोश हो सकता है…अतः अनजाने फूलों को न सूंघे और किसी भी अनजाने फल को न खाये वो जहरीला हो सकता है.. .खास कर बच्चो को बताएं
– There are many flowers (Like brahmkamal), which can bring nausea or can induce sleep. Hence do not smell unknown flowers and do not eat any unknown cherry or berry looking fruits, as they may be poisonous.
18- पहाड़ों में बिच्छू बूटी बहुत मात्रा में होती है..ये शरीर के किसी नंगे हिस्से को छू जाए तो जलन व खुजली होने लगती है और जैसे -2 आप खराश करते जायेंगे ये पूरे शरीर पर फैलती जायेगी व त्वचा लाल हो जायेगी…अतः अनजानी झाडि़यों से दूर रहें व बिच्छू बूटी लग जाने पर ठंडे पानी से धो दें.. हाथ वहां न छुएं… । बिच्छू बूटी के नजदीक ही एक नाजुक सी घास होती है जिसे लगाने से बिच्छू बूटी के जहर से बचा जा सकता है.. पर किसी लोकल से पूछे बिना उसे न लगाएं.
– hills are full of Bichu butis (stinging nettle or Urtica dioica). If any body touches this plant, they there will be rashes and burning…and the more we rub the affected area, the more it increases and spreads to other body parts. So be away from such bushes and if it has stung you…dont touch the area but pour cold water on it. There is another grass near this plant, which can cure the stung, but do not use it without confirming from a local.
19- बारिशों को मौसम में हर जंगल मे जोंक बढ़ जाती हैं… ये जोके काफी छोटी भी होती है और दूर से नजर नही आती..अतः घने जंगल में शोच आदि से बचें… मुझे याद है डलहोजी के नजदीक मै और प्रदीप जंगल में लघुशंका हेतु उतरे और जब वापिस गाड़ी में आये तो दोनो के पैर के पास कई सारी छोटी -2 जोंक रेंग रही थी..चप्पलों पर भी चिपकी थी… हमें आधा घंटा लगा उनसे पीछा छुड़ाने में… अगर जोंक चिपक ही जाए तो जहां से वो चिपकी है वहां नमक डाले..वो स्वंय ही छोड़ देगी… भूल कर भी जोंक को खींचे न क्योंकि इस तरह वो मांस का कुछ हिस्सा भी उखाड़ डालेगी
20-पर्यावरण का ध्यान रखें…गंदगी न फैलाएं व न दूसरों को फैलाने दें.. नदी में नहाते हुए, खासकर हिमालय में, किनारे से दूर न जायें.. व बच्चों को हाथ पकड़ कर रखें.
आजकी खट्टी-मीठी यादों में मै ऐसे ही कुछ वाकये बताउंगा जहां सुरक्षा से समझोता हुआ और यात्री मुसीबत
में फंसे
– During monsoon, the number leeches increase tremendously and some of them are so small that those can not be seen easily… if a leech has attached to your body pour some salt near the would, and it would leave. But do not forcibly detach it.
– Respect the environments… do not spread trash and not let others do it… be extra careful while taking bath in hilly rivers and do not go away from riverbanks. Always hold hands of children, when in the river.
So now on to some nostalgic stories concerning security
हम रेनुका झील गये परिवार सहित… बहुत खूबसूरत स्थान.. चारों ओर हरा भरा जंगल व बीच में छोटी सी रेनुका झील हम सब बहुत खुश।
This incident happened during our visit to Renuka lake…. it is a beautiful place… dense forest all around and in between a small and picturesque Renuka lake…. we all were very happy to see this.
(photo credit : Wikimedia commons)
वहां एक छोटा सा सुरक्षित जंगल है जहां शेरों पर वैज्ञानिक शोध किया जाता है.. वहां लगभग 8-10 शेरनीयां व 4 शेर है। शेर उस जंगल में खुले घूमते है व यात्रियों को एक बंद वाहन में शेरों के बीच ले जाया जाता है. हम भी वाहन में गये व शेरों को खुले घूमते देखा। गाड़ी वाला बाहर गेट के पास हमे उतार कर दूसरे ग्रुप को अंदर ले गया।
There is a small zoo inside Renuka complex, where they have some 10 lionesses and 4 lions. The lions roam around freely, and the visitors see them from inside closed vehicles, just like a jungle safari. We went inside the safari and enjoyed watching the lions in open. On return the van driver dropped us near the gate and took another group inside.
हम लोग गेट के पास खड़े हो गये। सामने ही एक बब्बर शेर सड़क के बीच बैठा था। Zoo के कुछ कर्मचारी भी वहीं पास ही खड़े थे। तभी भीड़ से एक भाई अपने छोटे बच्चे को उठा कर सबसे आगे आया और उस बच्चे को शेर की तरफ आगे कर के बोला – आजा शेर खाजा इस बच्चे को। बच्चा जोर से चीखा… बाप खिलखिलाया, भीड़ भी हंसी ऐसा उसने 2-3 बार किया. मुझे बड़ा गुस्सा आया उसकी बेवकूफी पर और मै परिवार लेकर चल दिया।
We joined the crowd standing near the gate who were watching a lion sitting a few feet away in the middle of the road. Zoo keepers were also nearby. A man from the crowd took his little child, reached near the gate and posed as offering the child to the lion and said – come lion eat this baby. The boy cried and his father laughed, some other idiots in the crowd laughed. He did this 2-3 times. I became very angry on the foolishness of the man and left the place taking my family.
जब उसने 2-3 बार बच्चे को शेर को दिखाया तो अचानक कर्मचारी भागते हुए आये और गेट बंद कर दिया, दूसरे लोग घेर-घार कर शेर को दूर ले गये…और उनके अफसर ने फिर जो खरी खोटी सुनाई उस बंदे को – मिं तुम्हे पता है जो तुम कर रहे थे वो शेर के लिये एक निमंत्रण था…बच्चा खाने के लिये…वो तो अच्छा हुआ हमने शेर को पूंछ हिलाते देख लिया वो हमला करने ही वाला था और इस बच्चे का तो एक निवाला भी न बनता..शरम करो तुम लोग कुछ… और सब लोग जाइये यहां से कोई खड़ा नही होगा यहां…इत्यादि-2 लेकिन उस बंदे की शक्ल देख कर लगा नही कि उसे कुछ अक्ल आई होगी। इस तरह की शेखीखोरी और टुच्चे मजाकों से सब को बच कर रहना चाहिये ।
When He repeated his folly many times, the zookeepers came running and closed the gate… some took the lion away. One of their senior rebuked the man – Mr. do you know you were inciting the lion to come and eat your child and he was ready to pounce upon your baby. Luckily we saw him wagging the tail (which lions do before attack)… you should be ashamed of such carelessness.
He then ordered all in the crowd to leave the place and go away. We should always refrain from such cheap , substandard and dangerous jokes.
एक बार हम बदरी नाथ गये तो रास्ते में अलकनंदा के किनारे एक टैंट कालोनी में रुके। बड़ा मनोरम दृष्य था और मैं नदी के किनारे -2 कुछ दूर टहलता हुआ निकल गया..कुछ दूर देखा तो कुछ जली लकड़ियां व राख का ढेर पड़ा था जो चिता जैसा लग रहा था। वापिस आकर मैने मैनेजर से पूछा कि ये चिता किसकी जल रही है… तो उसने ये दर्दनाक घटना बतायी। गाजियाबाद का एक युवक अपनी पत्नी व छोटे बच्चे के साथ बदरीनाथ जा रहा था…हेलंग के पास बड़ा जबरदस्त लैंड सलाइड हुआ पड़ा था और दोनो तरफ मीलों लम्बा जाम लग चुका था. सब गाड़ियों के इंजन बंद पड़े थे क्योंकि कई घंटों से जाम लगा था. युवक कार से निकला और बीवी को बोलकर कि देख कर आता हूं कैसा है और कब तक जाम खुलेगा… वहां एक बड़ी चट्टान सड़क पर गिर गयी थी और राहत दल उसे तोड़ कर टुकड़े नीचे फैंक रहा था.।
Once we went to Badrinath in 1992 and stayed in a tent colony near Nandprayag. The area was very beautiful. I strolled on the banks of the river and after going a little ahead I saw a heap of burnt wood and ash. It looked like some dead body was burnt there. On return I asked the manager if that was a cremation ground. The manager told that it is not a cremation ground, but a young man was cremated here… and he revealed this horrible tale. A young man from Ghaziabad was going to Badrinath in his car alongwith his wife and an infant. There was a huge land slide near Helang and the vehicles queued up on both sides. The Jam was tremendous, and people were waiting for hourse, by shutting down their car engines. The man left his car and told his wife that he would go and see what was happening. There was a big rock, fallen on the road and the engineers were breaking it into pieces and throwing them down, to clear the road.
जब तक जाम खुला, अंधेरा हो चुका था… गाड़ियां धीरे-2 चल पड़ीं… युवक वापिस नही आया और उसकी कार के पीछे वाले जोर-2 से हारन बजाने लगे. एक जीप वाला युवती के पास आकर बोला चलते क्यो नहीं… युवती बेचारी रोने को हो रही थी…बोली उसका पति आगे गया है अभी आता ही होगा। जीप वाला बोला ऐसे तो जाम लगा रहेगा मैं आपकी गाड़ी साइड में लगा देता हूं… धीरे-2 सारा ट्रैफिक निकल गया और वो युवती हैरान परेशान उस खतरनाक जंगल में रोते हुए बच्चे के साथ पति का इंतजार करती रही… हार कर वो बच्चे को गोद में उठा आगे पति को देखने गयी…वहां BRO वाले जाने की तैयारी कर रहे थे… युवती ने उन्हे सारी बात बतायी उन लोगों ने इधर उधर आवाजे लगाईं व पहाड़ के नीचे भी देखा पर उस युवक का कोई पता नही चला… हार कर वो लोग युवती को अपनी गाड़ी में बिठाकर कर्णप्रयाग थाने छोड़ गये… पुलिस उस युवती को दुबारा वहां ले गई व सर्च लाइट से हर तरफ देखा पर कुछ पता नही लगा.. थाने वाले युवती को गाड़ी समेत एक होटल में ठहरा गये व अपने यहां से उसके रिश्तेदारों को फोन किया जो अगले दिन वहां पंहुच गये… दुबारा खोज बीन की गइ..पहाड़ के नीचे जाके भी देखा पर कुछ नही मिला…।
When the jam finally opened it was quite dark… all the vehicles started moving. But the man did not come back and those behind his car started sounding horns. One jeep driver came to their car and asked the lady as to why they were not moving. The girl had tears in her eyes she told that her husband had gone to see the landslide and has not returned yet. The jeep driver drove their cars to one side, thus making way for other vehicles to go. Slowly the jam cleared and all vehicles left. The girl was worried and amazed as to where her husband left… it was all dark and the forest was dangerous. She finally took the baby and started walking towards the landslide. Luckily for her, the staff of BRO were still there, preparing to leave with their equipments. After hearing the girl, they called here and there, even looked below the hill, but the man was nowhere in sight. They took the lady and the child to the nearby police station. Police came back to the site and looked for her huband with the help of PA system and torches…but no sign of him. Police took her car and lodged them in a hotel by promising that tomorrow morning the search would be re-started. Meanwhile the woman phoned her relatives and next day they all reached there. All search was started again…but there was no sign of the vanished boy.
आखिरकार मिलट्री वालों को सहायता के लिये बोला गया…और उन्होनें हैलीकाप्टर से पूरे इलाके को छाना और अंततः उस युवक की क्षत विक्षत लाश पहाड़ के नीचे एक गड्ढे में मिली… पुलिस ने अंदाजा लगाया कि वो युवक एक मोड़ पर खड़ा होकर सामने देख रहा था और किसी कारण एक कदम पीछे हटा और सीधा सैंकड़ो फुट नीचे जा गिरा होगा क्योंकि वहां पहाड़ ढलान वाले नहीं बल्कि सीधे दीवार जैसे थे। अंधेरा भी हो गया था और मशीनों का शोर भी था…अतः न किसी ने उसे गिरते देखा, न उसकी चीख सुनी… उन लोगों ने वहीं उसका दाह संस्कार किया व रोते कलपते चले गये…. सुरक्षा को दांव पर लगाया युवक ने .. उसे बीवी बच्चों को अकेला छोड़ कर जाना ही नही चाहिये था…जाता भी तो इतनी दूर कि बीवी की नजर उस पर पड़ती रहे….।
Finally Military was called in for help. They browsed the area with the help of a helicopter and finally saw the dead body of the man in a deep trench. Police opined that he must be standing on a curve and for some reasons retreated back and fell down. The hill in that point was steep like a wall and since it was dark and there was loud noise of earth movers, nobody saw him falling or heard his cry.
His relatives cremated him there by the side of Alaknanada river and went home crying.
Security was certainly compromised by that boy. He should not have left his wife and little kid alone in the car… and if he had gone, he should have remained near the car, in the sight of his wife.
हम लोग शिमला घूमने गये… और कुफरी जाने के लिये बस पकड़ी… कुफरी घूमने के बाद वापिस शिमले की खड़ी बस में बैठ गये… पत्नी व बच्चों ने मनपसंद सीटे पकड़ी और बैठ गये… मैं नीचे उतरा व इधर उधर नजारे देखने लगा… ड्राइवर सामने की दुकान पर चाय पी रहा था.. उसे पूछा कि कब चलोगे… उसने कहा बस चाय खतम करके चल पड़ेगा…।
Once we went to Shimla and took a bus to Kufri. After enjoying at Kufri, we came down and sat in the bus which was about to leave for Shimla. I asked the time of departure from the driver who was sipping his tea on a shop nearby. The driver said – just let me finish the tea and we go.
अचानक क्या देखा कि बस पीछे ढलान की तरफ चलनी शुरु हो गई… सब लोगों ने बदहवास होकर शोर मचाया… ड्राइवर भागा और चलती बस में चढ़ कर बड़ी मुश्किल से रोका… पीछे खाई थी और अगर कुछ क्षण की भी देर होजाती तो कई परिवार बस समेत गहरी खाई में जा गिरते… ड्राइवर साहब ने गाड़ी तो गियर में लगाई थी जो अपने आप न्यूट्रल हो गई….अगर इतनी ढलान में पत्थर पहिये के पीछे होता तो गाड़ी यूं न भागती… याद रहे ये बात हमेशा ।
Suddenly there was noise and I saw that the bus started moving backwards towards a deep ditch. I was perplexed as my and pradeep’s families were there in the bus. The driver rushed like a superman, boarded the moving bus and controlled it and finally stopped a few feet before the deep trench. Had there been a delay of even one second, we would have lost our families.
Driver had put the bus in first gear, but somehow the gear slipped and the bus started moving…. on such a steep slope, he should have kept a heavy stone near the wheels.
Never forget this incident..
ये बात 1977 की है, जब हम अपने परिवार के साथ पहली बार घूमने गये थे । वैष्णों देवी से ज्वाला जी, नैना देवी होकर हरिद्वार से हम रिषिकेश पंहुचे । परमार्थ निकेतन में ठहरे और अगले दिन, 9 बजे नीलकंठ की यात्रा पर निकल पड़े. उन दिनों नीलकंठ जाने का केवल पैदल मार्ग था जो 10 कि.मी. का था… नीलकंठ भी कम लोग जाते थे । रास्ता घने जंगल से होकर जाता था ।
In 1977 we went for ghumakkari… from Vaishno Devi, Jwalaji, Naina Devi, Haridwar and finally reached Rishikesh. We stayed in Parmarth Niketan and next day started our trekking for Neelkanth temple. In those days, there was no road for Neelkanth and we had to trek about 10 Kms. There were not many visitors to Neelkanth then. The trek was difficult and it was through a dense forest.
हम अपने -2 झोले उठाए मस्ती में जा रहे थे। हमारे आगे राजस्थानियों का एक दल था जो ढोलक लिये भजन गाते हुए चल रहे थे। पिताजी बोले – देखना कुछ देर बाद इनके गाने बंद हो जायेंगे और यही हुआ भी. आधे रास्ते पंहुच कर एक चाय की दुकान मिली.. जहां हमने चाय पी और नीमड़ी के पकोड़े खाये । नीमड़ी (मीठी नीम) वहां बहुत मिलती है, और उसके पकोड़े इतने खस्ता व स्वादिष्ट थे कि सारी थकावट खत्म हो गई. तभी दुकानदार नीचे इशारा किया । हमने नीचे घाटी में देखा, एक जंगली हाथियों का झुंड पेड़ों से पत्ते खा रहा था ।
We were enjoying the trekking. A group of Rajasthanis were also going with us. They had drums with them and they were loudly singing bhajans and going fast. My father said – it is not good to sing while trekking on steep slopes, their songs will be stopped soon. ..and it happened too. In the way there was a small tea shop where we enjoyed our tea with Neemari Pakoras. The shopkeeper showed us some wild elephants, who were grazing in the valley below.
(Photo credit : wikimedia photographer Rahuldevgan)
माताजी के धीरे चलने की वजह से जब हम नीलकंठ पंहुचे तो लगभग 3 बज चुके थे । हमारे आगे चलने वाले राजस्थानी दर्शन कर के वापिस भी जा चुके थे । उस समय नीलकंठ मंदिर छोटा सा था और एक छोटी सी धर्मशाला जिसमें 3 या 4 कमरे ही थे । एक छोटी सी चाय की दुकान थी जो प्रसाद भी बेचता था और जरुरत पड़ने पर चावल दाल भी बना देता था ।
हम तो रात रुकने की बना कर आये थे अतः आराम से दर्शन किये। पुजारी ने एक कमरा खोल कर हमें दे दिया और हम सुस्ताने लगे । मैं घुमने के लिये बाहर निकला और देखा हमारे कमरे से 2 कमरे छोड़ कर 4 लोग थे जिसमे 2 साधू लग रहे थे और बाकि मुश्टंडे ।
वे चरस की चिलम पी रहे थे । मैं अपने कमरे में आया और पिताजी को बताया । तब तक उनमें से एक साधु हमारे दरवाजे पर खड़ा होकर पूछने लगा – भगत जी कहां से आये हो ,पिताजी ने बताया दिल्ली से तो उसने बोला – अच्छा रात रहोगे… फिर ठीक है ।
साधू का रवैया कुछ ठीक नहीं था, जब तक वो खड़ा रहा उसकी लाल-2 आंखे पूरे कमरे का निरीक्षण करती रहीं मानो देख रहा हो कि हम मालदार हैं या नहीं.
पिताजी तो नहीं घबराये पर मै और माताजी अढ़ गये कि अभी वापिस जायेंगे । कुछ देर बाद वो लोग जोर-2 से हंसते हुए हमारे कमरे के आगे से निकले और अंदर घूरते हुए आगे चले गये । मैने बाहर जाकर देखा वो लोग दूर पार्वति मंदिर की ओर जा रहे थे ।
हमने फटाफट सामान समेटा और हड़बड़ी में बिना पुजारी को बताये, वापिस चल पड़े….
रास्ते में ही अंधेरा हो गया था हमारे पास टार्च भी नहीं थी… न जाने कैसे गिरते पड़ते जंगली जानवरों से बचते नीचे पंहुचे और जब दूर स्वर्ग आश्रम की रोशनी नजर आई तो चैन आया… कमरे में पंहुचे और धड़ाम से गिर कर सो गये । सुबह पिताजी ने बोला -यार तुम लोग बेकार ही डर गये कुछ न होता…।
पर मैं और माताजी ठीक थे… जहां कही इस तरह का रिस्क दिखे हमेशा चले जाना चाहिये…और हमारा सोचना ठीक साबित हुआ जब 1 सप्ताह बाद अखबार में पढ़ा कि मोदीनगर के किसी परिवार को नीलकंठ से वापसी में लूट लिया गया और औरतों के साथ बदतमीजी की गयी ।
अब नीलकंठ की यात्रा बहुत सुखद व सुरक्षित है, हम उसके बाद कई बार नीलकंठ गये और हर बार ये घटना याद आ जाती है ।
Since my mother was walking slowly, we reached Neelkanth around 3 pm. The Rajasthani group had long ago gone back. Then Neelkanth temple was very small and there was a small inn, with 3/4 rooms. There was one tea shop, which doubled as a restaurant too.
We had planned to stay for a night in Neelkanth, so leisurely had darshan. The priest opened one room for us and lied down to take rest. I came out of the room and saw there were 4 people in another room…and they were certainly not looking like gentlemen, although 2 of them had attire of sadhus.
They were smoking canabis… I came back to my room and told my father about them. then one sadhu among them came to our room and asked us – Where are you from ? on telling that we were from Delhi he said – it is good that you are staying for night. He browsed the room with his red eyes, as if trying to figure out if we were rich or not.
After some time, they passed near our gate, talking loudly and each one of them peeped insider our room while passing…. me and my mother were afraid and we decided to go back. My father said not to worry…as nothing would happen, but my and my mother’s insistence forced us to go. we hurriedly left the room, without even telling the priest.
It was getting dark and we did not have even torch… with great difficulties, tired, fearful and hungry, we reached Rishikesh. My father laughed at us and said that we were cowards and ran away unnecessarily..but my and my mom’s idea was correct… After reaching Delhi we read in the newspaper that a family from Modinagar was looted near Neelkanth, and the women were molested.
Now journey to Neelkanth is very safe and sound. We went to Neelkanth many times afterwards, but never forgot that incident..
Lesson – never take risk…. if you feel something is fishy…it is better to leave the place than to repent later
मेरा कज़न विकी जिस दफ्तर में काम करता था वहां उसके साथ एक पहाड़ी लड़का भी काम करता था, वो विकी को अपने भाई की शादी में शेराघाट के पास एक सुरम्य गांव में ले गया.. बारात में सब पुरूष ही थे और उसमे भी आधे से ज्यादा युवक. बरात चढ़ते-2 लगभग पूरी बारात को भी चढ़ चुकि थी एक दो को छोड़कर सब टल्ली हो चुके थे.
My cousin Viki had a colleague in office, who took him to a remote village, near Sheraghat, on the marriage of his brother. By the time, the marriage procession reached girl’s home, everyone except one or two was fully drunk.
सुरा का सरुर, जवानी का जोश और गांव की अल्हड़ गोरियों की हंसी…सब युवकों पर मदन-वाण चला रही थी और वो गांव की गोरियों को अपने होने का अहसास दिलाने के लिये बढ़-चढ़ कर हंगामा बरपा रहे थे…जो गांव वालो को गुस्सा दिला रहा था… फिर बारात खाने बैठी. विकी ने खाना परोसने वाले को बोला कि वो शाकाहारी है अतः उसकी थाली में मांस न परोसा जाये। अब खिलाने वाला (जो कन्या का भाई था), भी टल्ली था…अतः उसने सुनने के बाद भी विकी की थाली में मांस की सब्जी रख दी. विकी बिना खाना खाये ऐसे ही बैठा था, कि उसके साथ बैठे किसी जीजा टाईप बन्दे ने पूछा – पंडितजी खाना क्यो नही खा रहे…विकी ने बताया कि कहने के बावजून उस बंदे ने मीट परोस दिया अतः वो नही खा सकता… उस भाई ने परोसने वाले को बुलाया और एक झन्नाटे दार थप्पड़ रसीद कर दिया…कन्या का भाई चुपचाप वहां से चला गया। कुछ देर बाद दुल्हे व उसके पिता को तो अंदर फेरों पर भेजा और बाकि बरातियों कि किसी बड़े घर के आहाते मे सोने भेज दिया।
They young generation was enjoying watching and teasing the village girls… and some villagers were watching and getting angry on this. Finally the barat sat for dinner. Viky told the man who was serving, not to put meat in his utensils, but he (bride’s brother) was also drunk, so he, despite this, put meat before him. When vicky was not eating, his neighbour asked him the reason. viky told him that he is a veggie but the man has put meat in his food, despite his refusal. The drunk boy called the bride’s brother and slapped him for this. The boy felt highly humiliated but silently left. Groom and his father were called in for rituals and the barat was sent for sleeping in a temple type place.
विकी को नींद नही आ रही थी…उसे लग रहा था कि लड़कियां छेड़ने व थप्पड़ मारने पर कुछ तो जरूर होगा…वो चुपचाप उठा और बाहर सिगरेट पीते हुए घूमने लगा.. तभी उसने देखा कि 10-12 लड़के लाठियां लेकर उधर आ रहे है… और कुछ देर बाद सब बारातियों की पिटाई शुरु हो गई…सब को बुरी तरह लाठियों से पीटा…
विकी वहां से भागा और सड़क-2 चलते हुए घनघोर अंधेरे मे चलता रहा… रास्ते में जहां खूब नींद आई सड़क के किनारे कुछ देर सोया। वो इलाका तेंदुए और भालुओं से भरा था, वो तो उसकी किस्मत अच्छी थी कि किसी जानवर ने हमला नही किया
अगली सुबह वो फिर चलता हुआ 20 या 25 किमी किसी गांव मे पंहुचा और वहां से बस पकड़ कर दिल्ली पंहुचा।
बाद में पता लगा कि पूरी रात वहां मार पिटाई चलती रही और वो गांव वाले विकी को ढूंढते रहे…सुबह जाकर बारातियों कि मलहम पट्टी की गई और माफी मंगवा कर सबको रवाना किया गया.।
Viky was not feeling comfortable. He was sure that there would be some retaliation to what barat has done. He left the sleeping people and slipped out, smoking outside. Suddenly he saw some 12 people coming with bamboo sticks in their hands and started beating everyone.
Viky ran away from there and started walking down the road in the dead of the night. When he was all down with slumber, he had a nap by the road side, in a forest known for leopards and bears. Luckily he was not attacked by animals. Next morning he started walking again and reached a village some 25 Kms, took a bus and reached Delhi.
Later he came to know that there was a good beating of all the drunk youths, by the villagers. Next morning the elders came forward, and let the barat go, after they apologised.
This may be an extreme case but… one has to be extra careful in such circumstances.
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thanks for security tips. i will be follow in future.( strictly)
yes you must follow…. if you remember Renuka lake incident you were also with me :)
Dear SS,
Very nice writing. Driving in Hills not easy. Extra cautions needed. Speed limit is only in normal weather, but when it is rain need to drive according to weather and road conditions. Next car fuel is not just for according to distance, If there is Traffic Jam need to AC or Heat on and it need extra fuel. All the time try to refill fuel tank where Petrol Pump is available. Not wait until warning sign come for empty tank. It is great there is no snow in peak tourist season otherwise more dangerous. As we read 100 people died during Amarnath Yatra. I saw ladies were going there in Saree and Chappal. Extra few hundred for winter dress and good shoes worth for that journey. One more thing when someone go to Barat try to make good relation, If something not up to standard not upset. Lot of time bad people there who mostly ruin celebration.
Thanks a lot for Safety tips.
Your Hindi is beautiful, Sir.
tks sir
Sorry, Silentsoul, the comment was meant for Surinder :)
Thanks, Please read my post Sylvan Tal in Hindi
Surinder bhaji…. most of people think bad will not happen with them.. in hills one should be extra cautious because hills do not forgive.
your additional suggestions are also useful..
This is one of the best posts I have read recently on Ghumakkar. I am really impressed. Thanks a ton for sharing this.
RRG thanks for your comments
SS, thanks for the highly informative and useful advice you have given to us. It is evident that you have drawn from the wealth of experience gained through a lifetime of ghumakkari.
One felt really sorry for the young woman who lost her husband because of his thoughtless behavior and extremely angry at the callous father who was exposing his child to an attack by lions. The carelessness of the bus driver is an example of a near miss; a major accident was averted through sheer luck. I must also commend your awareness and presence of mind in leaving the Neelkanth Temple when you sensed that the place was dangerous.
In addition to your tips, may I suggest that travelers must always carry torch lights with new batteries all the time as you will never know when you will need it. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it (???? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ????)
Tks DL for your comments and your concerns too on security.
Yes torch too is must. Now I always keep a torch with me which can be charged by moving a crank attached to it… this is very handy as even if no batteries are available, i can still use it.
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Nice write up SS ji.
Here I would like to add one more safety tip as is mentioned in the California Driver’s Handbook, but applicable everywhere.
Parking on a slope – If we park the car on a slope (downhill or uphill), in addition to engaging the handbrake and putting the car in a gear, we should also turn the tyres of the car in such a manner that even if the car moves, it hits the curb or the wall along which it is parked. For car parked facing downhill, turn the tyres towards the curb or the wall. For a car parked facing uphill, turn the tyres away from the curb or the wall.
Deepak, thanks for your comments…
and thanks for reminding this very important aspect…I also do it but forgot to mention. Keeping the wheels turned is also a very important safety measure
Silent soul, thanks for a timely and very relevant article. The video of the bike accident was horrific. What wrong did the bike rider rider on the correct lane(left side of the road) do deserve his fate?When touring with family or friends, safety should be given paramount importance.
Tks Venkattji. Yes I selected this video specifically to show that careless drivers not only kill themselves,but they also kill/injure other innocent law abiding drivers too.
sounding horn on every turning and be careful is the only way..
Very Very Informative post.
Precaution is always better than cure.
tks Maheshji for your comments.
Thank you Silent Soul for this pragmatic article. Your writings are very much articulate.
tks ashok ji
Thank you SS for the reminder. Most of us know about most of these items but you need a regular refresher. Lack of safety is not worth it. As I noted in Vibha’s log, we MUST make all of this actionable in our ‘Circle of Influence’, even if it is at the cost of some unpleasant exchanges with ‘Chalta Hai Attitude’ folks.
Deepak’s suggestion is special because in India no one teaches folks on this. I always try to keep the tyre in a position which would make it towards the wall/rock incase the handbrake slips.
tks Nandan… yes we all know these things but we need to remind ourselves again and again.
this time, no reader commented anything on the stories…. seems the video overshadowed the tales.. :)
I think the “laundry list + videos” took the lion share. May be we should have split this into a ‘Safety Insight’ and a ‘Khatti Meethi’.
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S.S. Ji….
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Tks Riteshji… i am sure this post will be remembered by all ghumakkars and safety kept as first priority by all, not only for ourselves but for others too
Hi SS,
An extremely valuable post for ghumakkars.
Your abundant experience of the region has helped in comprehensively bringing out all the relevant info under this heading. The info list, the videos & the stories, all 3 elements have combined to very effectively highlight the topic of security.
Engaging of gear as per the slant and turning of wheel in a sloped parking, both are new information to me. Thanks for that.
A must read for all; especially those who drive/intend to drive on hilly roads.
hi Auro… thks for reading and commenting. This post if read with Vibha’s editorial of 1st july and DL’s insights post… the 3 posts together would make the best guide for a true ghumakkar
tks again
Indeed it is an extremely valuable post for all ghumakkars. I also read DL Ji post Ghumakkar Insights Responsible Tourism Both these post are a must read for all ghumakkars. Safety should never be compromised (at any cost) even if you have to abandon any planed trip because of safety; one must not think twice to do so. ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??…
Thank Bhatt Saheb ys ??? ?? ?? ???? ??…?? ??? ? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ??… ?????? ????
Hi SS Sir!
Really very informative and thought provoking post.
Your writing have that flair which make me read whole post, incidents mention by you are very good and give us a lesson of Ghumakkari.
As you are global traveler, I would love to read if you can wright some incidence of foreign lands in your upcoming posts.
Tks Girdhar for the comments… and yes now you have read the foreign Khatti meethi your questions is answered
thanks for encouraging words
What a post! Humour, emotions, tragedy, advice; it has everything for the readers. All the real life stories have a lot of lessons which we must learn and follow.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
thankyou Deepender…for reading and giving encouraging comments
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Again a nice post. We should make these things our habit and follow these even in planes also. There is no harm in doing so.
I would like to add one more (learnt by experience). Try to avoid looking on the side while driving as doing this our hands authomatically turn towards that side which can be dangerous.
tks pradeep
yes specially in Hills, we should not see the scenery outisde
Tx, SS for this article. A must read article for all travellers.
Just to add a few more here:
a) Be sure to fasten your seat belt before driving out, even if you are going to market, office or petrol pump; this really save one’s life, believe me.
b) We must refrain ourselves from updating status message or posting pictures in Social Network Sites (e.g. Facebook, Orkut, Google+ etc.) while travelling. By announcing in public that we are not at home, we are compromising on our home security and inviting burglers to come, as well as putting other family members’ life in danger, if there is anyone at home. There are some people who are waiting for such opportunities.
c) While planning our journey and before driving out, we must not forget that it is our responsibility to bring everyone back home safely, from where we have started. The destination is not that important. We will be there to enjoy for few days only but it is our home where we live with our familynear & dear ones.
tks Amitava for reading and commenting
your suggestion are useful and will be beneficial to fellow ghumakkars
Dear Amitava,
While agreeing with you about undesirability of announcing your absence from home through social media, a doubt crept in my mind – ‘do we have burglars in our friend’s list on FB / Twitter etc.?
Secondly, you travel 28 hours non-stop from Gurgaon to Kolkata and that too all alone and without informing even a single soul in the whole universe about your daring, and still you are mentioning point c) :-)
Beautiful n necessary tips for drivings n travelling followed by wonderful memories…shall be beneficials for all travellers. i used to travel by car from Delhi to Ludhiana at night n its my personal experience…most of drivers of bus n trucks give side just on single dipper…but car drivers do not bother about rules n drive not only rash but also from wrong lanes.They not only caused their life in risk but others too.
Thanks Dr. Rakesh Gandhi for going through the post
It is the best, it is the most valuable post and it is for all of us to remember while travelling. Great tips based on personal experiences …..Its is a must read and deserves to be republished.
@Nandan: If we can have this post republished please. I feel all who have joined Ghumakkar late will be benefited much.
Thanks SS for presenting such a nice article.
Thanks Anupam.. for going through this old post.. :) as discussed I tried to put all the posts in one series, but due to some technical fault could not do so..
Curators have been requested to link all Khatti-Meethi posts
@ Anupam – Noted. I am going chronologically but we would prioritize this.
Very important safety tips, each traveller must follow, while going up in the hills. Many learning points for fellow Ghumakkars. Thanks Silent soul ji for sharing the post with us!
Very informative post. Handy recap for seasoned “ghummakars” and must read-ponder-behave for people who are “newbies” to hills/travel.
Thanks Silent Soul ji ,for the highly informative and useful advice provided in the post. This shows your Ghumakkrai experience. Each traveler must follow these instruction during their travel.
Thanks amit Kumar, Amit Tiwary and Sehgalji
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