Journey of Light

In all my travels, I have often realized that light has been both my friend and guardian. ‘To follow the light’ is the secret of success both literally and metaphorically. To celebrate this friendship, I have designed a concept calendar for 2011 called ‘Journey of Light’. Through this calendar, I have tried to record various dramatic journeys that light indulges in. The twelve months are portrayed through twelve themed photographs accompanied by short poems, all of which has been created by me.

click to enlarge

Calendar thumbnail

I honestly believe that this calendar would be liked by you all fellow travelers with whom I share similar vigor and passion for travel. At present I have printed limited copies of the calendar to share among freinds and co travelers with similar likes. Find more about the calendar at Cloudnumber10
and if you like the creation and if it is feasible, I am more than interested to share a copy with you.


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